Chapter 1

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      "Daddy? Where are we going?" I asked as me, my dad, and my mom walked down the street.

"I told you, honey. We are going to the celebration." Dad answered.

"I still think she's too young for this. She's gonna see a lot of drunk family and friends. What if someone gets stupid?" Mom argued.

"Do you really want to miss another one Karly?" Dad asked.

"Well no... but-."

"Exactly." Dad interrupted. "It'll be fun. She'll get to see one for the first time."

"I guess you may be right, but you know the first change is the most uncontrollable." Mom said.

"I know. We'll keep her safe. You know that." Dad assured.

"Ok." Mom reluctantly agreed.

"Baby. She'll be ok." Dad said. "Now try to have fun."

"Alright." She sounded a little more relaxed. The sun had gone down, but the moon was out and full. Its light shot across the ground.

"We're going to be late." Dad said as we got closer. By that time, I knew where they're taking me. It was the annual Orha celebration. Every year an Orha transforms into a strong, fierce creature who will end up being a strong leader for us. It's a very old tradition that's been with Orhas for years, and now I finally get to see one.

When we arrived, everyone was there. They were cheering on an Orha as he turned into a hawk. They gasped, then they cheered as he cawed at them. He flew around the heads of the crowd. Then I felt his gaze at me. I looked at him, and he flew straight for me, and knocked me onto the ground.

"VIOLET!" Dad yelled. The hawk stood on top of me, and I was startled but didn't scream. He wasn't trying to hurt me, and I saw that in his eyes.

"Hello." I said petting his wings.

"Hello new warrior. Soon you'll be a leader. A great leader, but something dangerous lurks in your future. Always remember, Violet, follow the light of your Orha. Your future is in your hands... Our future is in your hands." He replied low so that only I could hear it. I gasped that he talked. Only the leader could. Then he flew off. Dad reached down to help me back to my feet. I just watched as he flew off.

"Sweetie are you ok?" Mom asked holding me close in a hug. "This is why I didn't want to bring her."

"Mom you're smothering me again." I replied.

"Well I wouldn't have to if-." She began.

"I'm fine." I interrupted. "He didn't hurt me. It didn't hurt."

"Come one Matt. Let's go home." Mom demanded as we got away from the crowd. We had gone to a restaurant. It was elegant and beautiful, and had dark red tablecloths with dark brown wooden walls, chairs, and flooring.

"We just got here. It was over an hour ago, Karly." Dad said. "She's fine. Look at her. Is she crying?"

"Well no, but-."

"She's fine."

"So you're fine with a giant fucking hawk knocking her to the ground?"

"I wouldn't be fine if her mother wasn't the best healer in town. She may just have a couple scratches."

"Thanks daddy." I said looking at him. "Besides momma, he was really nice."

"He spoke to you? What did he say?" Mom asked now more interested than worried. I thought about if for a moment. He whispered it to me so they couldn't hear. Maybe they weren't supposed to know, so I didn't tell them.

The Heart Of A Warrior: Battle of the OrhasWhere stories live. Discover now