Chapter 6

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"I still don't think that this is a good idea." Andy said slightly scared as we hid just outside of Nolan's hideout.

"Really, do you have a better one? Andy, he's got the control booth in there. If we destroy it, then the collars won't work. If the collars don't work, then we have more people." I replied. I peered over the wall to see if two of his men had moved. Andy jerked me back down.

"Seriously? Now you're trying to get us killed."

"They're not looking genius."

"Fine. Do what you want?" He said sitting against the wall. "Do you even know where the room is?"

"Nope." I said as he stood back up with me. Then we jumped over the wall and took out the two guards. When they were down, we snuck around the corner against the wall. I peered around the corner to see if there were more, then continued to move around the wall. Then there was a door just around the corner. I sat and waited until the door finally open. Then Andy and I jumped around the corner and took down the guard while Andy grabbed the door. I threw him over the wall, and Andy and I ran through the door. "Ok. Now that we're in... we need to find the control room for the collars."

"Maybe there's a security room." He suggested as we snuck down the hallway. Then a door opened, and we quickly ran to the opened door when the man turned the corner. It was a control table. With buttons and levers. "This must be it."

"Maybe. I need to get into the computer." I said walking over to the flat screen computer that he had sitting in the center of the table. There was a huge window on the wall that the table sat on. It was so dark on the other side that I couldn't see what hid in the darkness. I started typing to hack into his computer and shut down the collars. "Just watch the door, ok?"

"Got it." He said peeping around the slightly opened door as I typed on the computer. After a bit, the lights in the room on the other side of the computer turned on. Revealing cages and cages of people and Orhas. I looked through the window in complete horror.

"Oh shit. Oh my Gods." I said in fear.

"What?" Andy asked as he walked back over to the table. He looked through the window. "Damn... he must've been collecting them."

"He's probably going to build an army. I'm sure he knows that's what we're trying to do." I said typing on the computer again. "It's going to suck when they're gone."

"Oh really?" An angry voice came from behind us. My stomach dropped when I turned around to see Nolan behind us, and Andy turned with me. The Nolan's hand lifted shoulder length as I lifted off the ground. My feet dangled as I felt something wrap around my neck choking me. I couldn't breathe.

"LET HER GO!" Andy yelled and went to attack him, but Nolan waved his hand, and Andy flew through the window.

"ANDY!" My voice choked as I did. Tears fell down my cheeks. I saw him lying limp on the ground at the bottom. It was a far drop, and I was afraid he didn't survive the fall. My feet were still dangling over the computer and I gave it a kick. The power went out and in the dark room on the other side of the now broken window, I saw all the red lights, on the cages and the collars, turn green. The cages opened, and the collars fell off.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Nolan yelled as he watched his hard work run out the doors when the power came back on. I was still dangling, and I gave the computer another kick. The computer broke frying the rest of the control table. He turned back to me. "DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT WAS TO GET THAT STARTED?! IT TOOK ME YEARS!"

The Heart Of A Warrior: Battle of the OrhasWhere stories live. Discover now