Chapter 10

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It was two weeks later. The room was dark, but the moon shone through the huge window as I laid in the huge bed that Nolan had set up for me. I was relaxed in the silk gown with my arms behind my head and my legs crossed at the other end. Hating myself for the magic forcing myself to enjoy this. I hated everything he made me do, but luckily death wasn't part of it... yet.

There was a knock on the door. Interrupting my thoughts. I sighed, stood up, and walked to the door. My two guardians stood in the doorway when I opened it.

"Can I help you?" I asked irritated.

"Ma'am... There's a few problems on the third floor. Master Chase hasn't returned from his trip yet with Easton." The blonde one on the left replied.

"Alright, let's deal with these problems you've called it." I said walking out of the room and shutting the door.

"Madam, you're in your night clothes... shouldn't you change first?" The redheaded one on the right asked, looking at my dark purple silky nightgown.

"Master Chase isn't here..." I said, and they both gave me a stern look. I sighed. "How dealt with is this problem?"

"Secured, but we've no idea what to do with them." The blonde one answered.

"Alright you two... might as well change then." I said walking back into the room. I looked around the closet and found a dress that I liked. Black corset with a darkened purple skirt that fell to the floor. The shirt was deep purple like the skirt, and the laces on the corset were the same purple as well. I tied the laces on my knee high boots, and headed back out the door. "Better?"

"A rather appropriate dress for the occasion." The blonde one answered.

"Thank you, Alec." I said walking down the hallway. "Where is this problem?"

"Right this way." The redhead said, leading me towards the elevator.

"Thank you for informing me, Jesse." I said to him. "We must have this dealt with before Master Chase gets back. He'll hate having to clean up a mess before he can even relax."

"Well that sounds great... He'd probably be appreciative about that." Alec said as we stepped out of the elevator. He led me to the main room, and opened the door. There were two men forced to their knees on the floor with their backs facing us. Each captive had two men holding their shoulders down so they couldn't get up and fight. "Here they are."

"You said a few... There seems to only be two." I said quietly. They both looked at me and shrugged their shoulders.

"The third must've escaped. She was a woman." Jesse replied confused. I walked over to the men who were awaiting my orders. I circled over to the front and recognized the two men on the floor, even though both of their faces were pointing to the floor. They didn't even look up at me. Neither one of them. The magic didn't, but my mind did. My heart did... I recognized the younger one... He had long, light blonde hair with gray eyes, his fair skin was slightly tanned, and he had fresh and older scars. He was my age. The older one was much taller, and he had short, shaggy, and dark brown hair. His native tanned skin was scarred and some of the scars were still bleeding. It wasn't until I spoke that they even acknowledged me. I turned to one of the men.

"What happened? I was told there was a third." I asked. "Where is she?"

"I don't know ma'am." He answered. "She fought back and took a spill out the window. When we looked down at her landing spot, she was gone."

"Well... we can't let these two get away." I said putting my hands on my hips. I sighed. "He'll be back any minute now with William, and he's not going to like this."

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