Chapter 3

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"Hey gorgeous." Andy knocked on the opened door. I looked up from my book at him. He was wearing his gray t-shirt and dark blue jeans with brown boots. I sighed with a smile.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Why don't you come and see the world at night? Rather than read yourself to sleep with a silly old fairy tale book." He asked. He smiled his usual beautiful smile that always dragged me everywhere.

"You're such a trouble maker." I rolled my eyes. "And it's not silly. My father gave it to me when I was little."

"Yeah well..." He thought for a moment and plopped on the bed. He laid next to me to where he could see me behind the book. "Am I your bad boy?"

"Um... Yeah." I answered. "Well... I never had a good boy either."


"Anyway... You were saying about my book."

"Right... It's one of those books you read when you're a kid, then have kids and give it to them. You don't have to read it every night for the rest of your life."

"Really? Are you sure?" I asked sarcastically. "Look you don't understand."

"You read the damn thing every night VI." He said. I glared at him. He threw his hands up to surrender. "You're right. I'm sorry. I don't understand."

"Right. You don't." I said getting back to the book. He sat up and wrapped his arm around me and held me close.

"Help me understand, and maybe I could be nicer to the fairy tale... What's it called? The front's worn."

"Her last word, and it's about... Well... why do you even care?"

"Because it's obviously important to you, babe." He answered.

"It just... Every time I read it... it reminds me of when I was little. My dad would read it to me to help me sleep at night when I have bad dreams. I feel like he's here when I read it."

"Oh. That makes sense." He said.

"Exactly." I answered.

"Do you want me to leave you to the book?"

"No... I want you to read it. It's a lovely story."

"About love?"

"Duh! It is a fairy tale." I answered.

"I think I'll pass."

"Ok. Then you'll be missing out." I said raising my eyebrows.

"Are you gonna pull that on me? Seriously?"

"Pull what?" I looked up at him. His beautiful gray eyes staring into mine.

"Fine." He took the book from me and leaned back to read it. As he read, I laid my head on his chest and read along from the beginning. Eventually, I had fallen asleep listening to his heartbeat.

I was in a meadow during spring. The flowers and plants were blooming and it was just so beautiful. Like a safe haven for anyone to retreat to. I looked around hoping there was someone else there, slightly frightened that I was the only one. There were rabbits and deer, and the place looked just like the meadow that the knight crossed in my story book. Though it felt like déjà vu, like I've been here before. Then there was a loud caw, and I looked up to see a hawk. The same hawk from three years ago. He landed in front of me rather knocking me over.

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