Chapter 9

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"It's ok." He assured in a whisper behind me after everyone had left. "He's not going to win."

"Really?" I looked at him with anger. I gestured to the many graves. "Look what he's done. Look... Look at what he's done. Who he's killed, and all you can say is 'its ok'?"

"Violet calm down." He said. "I know we've been through a lot, but we're going to stop him. Their deaths will not be in vain. I swear... I will do everything in my power to stop him, but-."

"You can stop him, but is there a way you could stop me. That's what I'm worried about. I love these people... I care about them, and he's taking that away. He's taking away every single thing I care about. Andy, I'm supposed to protect these people. I was supposed to prevent this from happening." My voice rose, but I wasn't yelling just yet. "Andy, he's going to stop at nothing to take everything I love away from me... What am I going to do when he takes you away from me? Or makes me kill you? Or makes me kill any of you? What am I supposed to do?"

"Violet, no one could've prevented this." He said. "Please stay calm."

"I will NOT stay calm. I'm livid, Andy..."

"Exactly why you need to calm down." He said grabbing my hand. "Everything's going to be ok, baby. You just need to relax for a moment. No one could prevent this."

"I can't... there's so much anger." I said in a calmer tone.

"Try..." He said, and managed to get his arms around me in a hug, but he'd pinned my arms to my side. "It's going to be ok."

"I-I..." Then a feeling of security came over me. I don't know how, but I managed to calm back down. I felt a little better, but I was still upset about the whole thing. I managed to wrap my arms around his waist, and laid my head on his chest. I listened to his heart beating again. "This is just too much."

"I know, I know." He squeezed tighter. Then he let go. "Now... how do you feel?"

"I think I'll be fine." I said taking a deep breath, and looked back at the graves. I had sworn vengeance for them.

"Well there's the problem..." He said with concern in his voice. He walked over to me. "You think you're fine, but you're not. The nightmares... the vomiting... the angered outbursts... baby you're not fine, and I want to know the truth. Stop trying to fight this all by yourself. That's how you trapped yourself in the first place."

"Yes I am fine." I lied. "I'm fine. I'm fine... I'm fine... I am fine."

"No you're not, Violet." He started to get frustrated. I didn't want this... I didn't want to make him angry, and I didn't want him to be angry with me. I was silent. I didn't say anything. He sighed. "You know what... Fine."

"Andy, I-."

"Can't you see that all I want to do is help you?" He asked angrily. "He's torturing you. Seeing you like this, Violet... it- it's hurting me, and I don't know what to do to help you."

"Andy..." I said, then the anger got the best of me. I'd wished he would've just shut up after I answered his question because now... I couldn't control it... the anger...

"This is too dangerous a play for you to take on by yourself, V." He said concerned, and my eyebrows furrowed. I glared at him with every word he'd said. He looked shocked at my glare, and he knew. "Violet... Don't... Please... don't give in to it."

"Dangerous play?!" I snarled with an angry look still on his face. I've never done anything like this to him before. I was scared, but I couldn't stop. I was mad at him. Something in me just hated him so much, though I could never hate him. "It's too late, Andy... It's over..."

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