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Okay guys... So I know that the story should say that it's complete, but I thought maybe you guys should have a sneak peek into Andy's and Violet's future. Plus... I was thinking about some of my other stories... published or not, and I was trying to think about what I'd do next on them... so here ya go... :P

Also, I was thinking a sequel, but I'm not sure what I'm going to do.


"Oh Gods this is happening. This is happening." Mom gushed. Her blonde hair was pulled up in a braided bun. Tears of joy were streaming down her face, and there was a proud look in her green eyes. "I'm so proud of you my baby boy."  

"Thanks mama." I smiled back at her as she adjust my tie and straightened out my suit top. She patted my shoulders. 

"You ready for this?" She asked grinning from ear to ear. 

"I've never been more ready in my entire life." I answered. "She's perfect for me." 

"Okay then. I'll walk you." She chuckled. "It's time for you to be up there waiting for her." 

"Alright-y then." I held out my arm for her to take, and we walked up to the altar. She kissed my cheek and walked over to the chairs to sit next to dad. Karly was sitting on the other side waiting for Matt to get there, but he was with my beautiful fiance right now. We were outside in a clearing in the woods. Everyone was there, after all, she was the leader. Every Orha that lived in the town was there. The trees around us swayed in the wind as we waited. I was more relaxed than anything because I knew that she'd loved me. 

After the battle, two years ago, our time as fiance's grew and grew as we waited for the right time. Being the leader, she had a lot of work to do with rebuilding the homes, and making sure that families were reunited like mine and her family. She wanted us to wait, and she wanted our wedding to be what gives the Orhas hope for a better future. I didn't mind the wait, as long as there was surety that she did want to marry me, I was fine with that. 

She got much better, and I was happy about that. She no longer had Nolan trying to corrupt her and destroy her life. She no longer had nightmares or angered bursts, you know... unless something's not going the way she expected. Of course she'd get mad about that, but it wasn't like before. Before it was different. It was magic, it was hurting her. I hated seeing her that way when there was nothing I could do, but now... it's over, and we are finally starting our new life together. 

The music began, and everyone's eyes went to the isle. My eyes went to the most beautiful woman in the world latched to her father for support. Her long brown hair, that I'm pretty sure her mother curled, her beautiful, soft, tanned skin, and most of all, the most beautiful violet eyes staring back at me. I couldn't help but give her a large smile. She was wearing a strapless white wedding dress. It looked a bit tight on her from the torso to waist, but after that, it was like a giant bell. Her mother's doing I suppose. Either way, she looked beautiful to me. 

She looked a little nervous as she looked around the area, but then her violet eyes met mine again, and she relaxed. They got closer and I noticed that a bit her her makeup had run down her cheek. She was crying tears of joy. The first in a very long time. They stopped just before the altar, and Matt kissed her cheeks before placing her hand in mine. Her soft skin sent shivers up my spine. She grabbed her dress, and I helped her up the small step to the altar. 

"You look absolutely beautiful, love." I whispered. She smiled and her eyes lit up as they saw mine. Her red lips widened even more to show a large smile. 

"What would I do without you?" She whispered back. 

"Don't ever want to find out." I answered for myself. She smiled again. I was so lost in her eyes, that I hadn't heard a thing that the pastor said. Not until it was my turn for the vows. 

"Now the lovely couple decided to speak their own vows, directly from the heart. Sir, would you like to go first." The pastor asked. I smiled and gave a quick nod. 

"Violet, you are by far the most beautiful woman I've ever met. Any man would be lucky to be standing here before you today, and I'm so happy that it's me. You make me the happiest man in the world, and I promise that I will always be there for you no matter what our future holds. I stood by you when you were going through your times of trial, and I loved you then as much as I love you now." By this point, she was crying. She knew what I meant. "I know that that's something you'll never forget. That's okay though because I don't ever want you to forget that I was there for you. That I wanted to help you, and that I will always want to be there for you. I will always love you, and I'm so glad that I found you. I'm so happy that you're in my life, and that you'd want to be with me forever. You had my past, you have my present, and you will always have my future."

"Andy, that was beautiful." Violet's voice broke. I felt my eyes sting a little. I truly loved Violet, and I do want to spend the rest of my life with her. 

"Violet, dear, it's your turn to speak." The pastor said with a soft voice. She sniffled and looked in my eyes with a deeper look. The color of her eyes shone through her features well. They sparkled showing that she was happy, and I liked seeing her happy. She took a deep breath to calm her excitement and let it back out. 

"Andy, you've always been there for me, and I will never forget that. You've taken care of me for the past four years, and I will never forget that. You loved me, even though you've seen my worst. Gods, I will definitely never ever forget that. You saved my life too many times to count, you helped me too many times to count, and you cared for me all the time. I'm happy that, from this day forward, I'll always have you to help me, to care for me, and to save me in times that I need saving. I'm happy that you want to be there for me, and that you want to care for me, and that you'll always love me. I'm happy that I have you in my life, and I'm always happy to wake up next to you in the morning. You're my last thought before I go to bed, and my first thought when I wake up in the morning." She started to choke back tears. I'll admit... so was I. "You'll always have my heart because your loved saved me. Your loved calmed me when I was afraid. You and your love was there at times that I thought no one could be, so thank you. Thank you for always being there for me, and thank you for your promise that you will always be there for me. Andy, I'll always need you. I needed you then, and I need you now. You had my past, you have my present, and you will always... always have my future." 

"And with that, there's nothing more I should say, but... I now pronounce you husband and wife..." He turned to me. "You may kiss your bride." 

"With pleasure." I smiled and leaned in for a kiss. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and I wrapped mine around her waist as we kissed each other passionately. The area was filled with cheers and excitement as they clapped. She pulled from the kiss and nuzzled into the crook of my neck. I chuckled and tightened my grip around her. "I love you so much, Vi." 

"I love you too." She replied humming. We turned and faced the guests, then took off running back down the isle. When we reached halfway, the both of us leaped into the air and changed into our Orahs. She was beautiful in both forms. Her fur pure white with raven black stripes, and that made her violet eyes pop out more. We stopped and looked at each other, her eyes staring into mine. Then we walked side by side to leave the isle, and her tail intertwined with mine. 

This had to be the best day of my life... 



Hey guys... If you think that there should be a sequel... feel free to comment on what you think should happen in that sequel... thank you so much for reading, and I hope that you like my other books as well. 

Read on Peeps :P

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