Chapter 8

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The next couple of days were actually getting a little better, but that's what scared me the most. It always gets better before it gets worse. Plus, that meant that Nolan's attention wasn't on me at the moment. His attention was on something else, and that worried me as well. The thoughts started bothering me as well. What could he be planning? What would he be working on? What could he consider important enough to leave me be for a couple of days?

Andy's mood started changing as well. He started to relax as he noticed me being more relaxed. I was actually able to sleep at night with his arms around me. Listening to his heart beating like a lullaby. Things did seem to be getting better, but to me... it felt more ominous than anything else, even if I was relaxed a little. I was never able to really relax. Andy was even happy enough to let me help training again. Even though I knew he felt it, too, I still was scared to bring that up. We also started working on our plans to stop Nolan.

"Nolan has a lot of power..." Andy began as he, dad, mom, Ryan, and I were standing around the dining table. There was a map of the town and the forest with, Nolan's hideout pin-pointed.

"Yeah we figured." Dad scoffed, and smiled as he pointed to me.

"HEY!" My voice rose defensively. Then I scoffed. "Not fair. How about you go through this?"

"No thank you... I'm worried enough about you as it is, VI. Me going through it, I wouldn't be able to help. It would've been easier for him to get to me." Dad replied seriously.

"Not really funny Matt." Mom said with a small whine. "You don't joke about stuff like that."

"Anyway, what I meant was... We can't just waltz up to him. He has to be caught off his guard in order to take him down. He's unable to change, which makes him more powerful in his human combat... and his magic combat."

"Right, so what do we do?" Dad asked.

"We need to find a way to distract him during the attack, so that Violet and I can take him down." Andy answered.

"Does this mean you really don't have a plan, Andy?" I asked a little annoyed by the cheerful mood in his voice. It really wasn't that I was annoyed by him, but I was annoyed by the fact that I know the fight with Nolan in my head isn't over. He's planning something big, and we're all sitting ducks. I sighed. "What if we..."

"What?" Mom asked as everyone looked up at me. I had stopped in mid-sentence because I got a sharp pain in my stomach. I was doubled over in pain, and everyone started to get worried. Sitting duck was right the right choice of words. Mom looked over at me. "Sweetheart, are you ok?"

"Not good." I said. Whatever he was planning on doing it was in action because now his attention was back on me. Andy wrapped his arm around me, and walked me over to the couch to sit. I held my stomach as I walked, and when I sat down, I laid over the arm rest. "I knew this was going to happen again. I knew it was going to come back."

"What do you mean? What was going to come back?" Andy asked as everyone walked over to me. He knew what I was talking about, but he looked as though he didn't want to know that's what I meant. He didn't want it to be true. Everyone's face looked worried. I was afraid to answer, but I knew I had to. I was silent for a moment because of the pain. "Violet?"

"It was just dormant. Like he stopped trying, but now it's back. His attention is back on me now." I answered groaning at my aching stomach. "Whatever he was doing before... he's done now. If he was planning anything... it's in action."

"Let me see if I have anything that'll help the pain." Mom said walking over to the kitchen.

"What does this mean?" Andy asked.

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