Chapter 4

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"You want to do WHAT?!" Mom asked angrily when Andy and I decided to tell them our plans. It was the next day, and the sun was still hiding behind the clouds. The rain was now pouring heavily with no end in sight to it. We could hear the lightning, and the thunder vibrated the ground. "You do realized what you just said."

"Violet that's very dangerous to even think of." Dad added. His face was full of surprised and confusion. "He probably doesn't even know what mercy is."

"I know dad, but in case you haven't checked. No one seems to have a better idea. It'll fix everyone's problems if someone did something." I argued. "Look, I get it... you guys only see it dangerous because of me, but you have to realized now that I'm the only one powerful enough to stop him. I can't just sit around anymore, and he knows where this place is. Right now, we're all just sitting ducks waiting on the hunter."

"But..." Mom began but stopped. She knew I was right.

"Violet, you do realize what this will do right?" Ryan asked concerned. "It's not a very good idea when you're unprepared for war.

"I knew there's most likely going to be a war, but I wanted to refrain from that." I answered a little frightened at the idea. "I didn't want to make a war."

"That's what this will do, Violet. There's going to be a war if you're not careful." Dad added.

"Well... if this is what you want to do." Mom began. "Then first we need to rally. We need to find all the camps that the other Orha's had gone to. See what they think of your idea."

"Sounds like a plan." Andy finally said. "If things go wrong, then we have the war to fall back on... And we're prepared."

"You guys just want a war." I said annoyed.

"Violet. That's all that's going to come out of this." Andy said agreeing. "Least now, we'll be prepared."

"I guess you're right." I sighed.

"Baby, I know you don't want the war... That's who you are, but there's a possibility that that's all that's going to come out of it. We need to be prepared for that if it's going to come." Mom said.

"But I don't want the war." I argued.

"No one want's the war, Baby girl." Dad said. "And there may not be a way to stop it."

"Fine." I finally let go. This idea was a good one. We can recruit more Orha's to fight with us, and it would hopefully give us a fighting chance. I sighed. "You're right."

"Ok, so you two are going to find the other camps and send them here, only if they want to come. We can't force them to fight if they don't want to." Ryan assured.

"You mean like me? Yeah, they aren't forced to fight, I am. I'm forced to fight. I have to do this. I HAVE TO FIGHT! This just becomes more and more my fault, and my responsibility." I rose my voice, and even I was shocked about my outburst. Then I turned to dad. "How did he know about me?"

"I don't know honey." He answered still stunned about my yelling. "He didn't start this anger problem until long before you were born. Our friendship ended before your mother and I even met."

"You were friends with that bastard?" Mom asked confused and surprised.

"Yeah once upon a time, Karly." Dad answered. "He used to be good, believe it or not. Then he changed, and this happened years later."

"Well... now I'm putting an end to it. With or without a war." I answered, and walked outside, grabbing my stuff on the way out. As I slipped everything in its place walking toward the town. Andy was chasing after me calling my name.

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