o n e | on the roof

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So he wants me to come to school, meet him on the roof, and talk about something? Wow, what a bastard. Well, I mean, it's to much effort. I already got a two week detention, and now he wants me to ditch school at the lunch break!? Well, if I get caught when I come back. I'm blaming it on him.

I rode my bike down the hill and ended up here, Mori-Mori Academy. I left my bike against a tree and headed for the entrance. I went inside the somewhat gigantic building and met the office.

"Uh, hi. Is Touno Takashi here?" I asked the man.

"Yes, if I remembered correctly he went up to the roof." He pointed up the stairs to my right and smiled.

I thanked him and headed the way to the roof.

Forgot to say but this is an all boy school.

A few boys looked at me smirking, I sighed, this happens a lot. Man, why is there so many stairs?! I finally got to the roof panting, I saw him leaning against a wall.

"Oi! Bastard! Make this quick!" I yelled resting my hands on my neck, he turned around

"Oh Hello backstabbing bitch." He sighed.

"Whatever, get to the point."

"Well you see, I joined a sex club." Not to mention I was drinking coffee so I spat it in front of his face.

"You what!?" I yelled in between laughs. After he explained the whole situation I repeated it.

"So your telling me that you joined a sex club by accident because you thought it was a photography club so now you have to have sex or you'll be forced to participate in an orgy." I said.

"Yeah, pretty much." He dug his face into his hands and sighed, I smirked knowing what to do.

"I wonder what mom would think about this." I grabbed out my phone and dialled her number, while Touno on the other hand looked straight up and chased me.

"Hello?" "Hey mom *pant* I have something to tell you!" I yelled Touno chased me down the stairs while I slid down the railing.

"(Y/N)! Don't do it!" He yelled.

"Is that Touno sweetie?" Mom asked.

"Yup! And he joined a club!" I beamed.

We were now outside in the front, Touno kept yelling stuff while I tried to tell her what happened. He grabbed my phone out of my hands while I didn't give a fuck and continued running towards my bike. He ended the call and tossed me my phone which I successfully caught.

I came back and sneaked into my class while the teachers back was turned.

"Ditched school again Mrs. Takashi?"

"Why yes! I did ditch school!" I said in a happy tone. "

And may I ask why?"

"No." I said with a poker face.

The teacher sighed and continued writing on the board.


Something hit my head, I looked in front of me and saw a crumpled piece of paper, I unfolded it and saw a small note. I looked behind me but no one was looking suspicious.

Oi, Y/n, I need to talk to you, meet me behind Blends Cafe.

"Hmm... Alright." I mumbled, I shoved it down my bag and continued to zone out of the lesson.

I walked over to Blends Cafe.

Hm, no ones here...

I turned around and saw a group of men. Sadly they looked like the type of guys who would go for the rape game.

"Need help sweetie?" A man in a beanie asked.

"Yeah, I need help with beating the shit out of you guys." I said bluntly.

"Oh, I see your the type of girl who's pretty confident."

"Oh, I see your type of guy who's a douchebag 24/7." I sassed.

"Look cupcake, we only want to know something." The man looked at his buddies.

"Are you l/n y/n?"


"Somebody wants to talk to you."

The man handed me a phone.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Oh shit waddup!? Dat boi!"

"Who is this?"

"Hahaha, an old friend that's all."

"An old friend eh?"

"Yeah, sorry, but I have to tell you something."

"And that something is??" I raised an eyebrow.

"I'll be watching you l/n. Tell someone about this, and nobody will know your existence." The voice was deep, and maybe filled with lust.

It creeped me out.

"And what do you mean by, 'Watching me'?" I asked, clearly annoyed.

"Easy, stalking. And remember, I'm just an old friend. Okay?" The man on he other line, sounded cheerful.

"Okay.." I handed the phone back to the man.

Looks like I now have, a stalker.

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