t h r e e| meeting certain people

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Touno's P.O.V

I told Y/N to leave her things in the trunk, and follow me. As we walked through the the crowded pathway to the entrance, I could feel that boys were staring at her. When we walked in I said "Y/n, if any boys are bothering you tell me." With a glare, I scanned the hallway.

We reached my dorm and noticed a certain presence behind me. "Hi, Touno." It was Akemi. The President of the sex club I joined.

Behind him I saw Y/n with a smirk tapped to her face. "Ehh?! What the? Uh hey Akemi." I stuttered, I saw Y/n looking around.

She shrugged and yelped, "What the!? Hey! What the fuck were you doing?!"

I saw a familiar blue haired boy, behind her smirking. Tamura, or should I say, Tamu-senpai. Y/n rubbed her neck in disgust.

"Do something creepy like that again to me and your dead!!" She yelled, her threat echoed the halls.

Then of course, another pair of men came behind her. Clearly I could tell that Y/n's eyes were twitching with annoyance. They were Itome, Akemi's boyfriend and, Shikatani. How do I explain Shikatani? We then all heard bare foot steps echoing throughout the halls.

"Oh, it must be Yuri!" Akemi beamed with happiness.

"Yuri? Who is that?" Y/n asked.

"Well, speak of the devil!" Wait, if everybody is here, where's Kashima?

"Hey, I heard Touno came back." Well, there's Kashima.

"Who's the girl?" Tamura asked me pointing to the little demon.

"That's Y/n, my sister. Or should I say, a demon." I mumbled.

"Thanks for the complement." She said sarcastically.

We all walked into my dorm room and Y/n sarcastically said "Wow, your room is so clean."

"Hey, it's not my fault I was really caught up in school work!"

"It technically is". We unpacked the boxes and placed everything in its rightful place.

"Oh god! You still have this?!" Y/n handed me a picture of us when we were little. She had just pure h/c hair when she was younger. Now there's f/c strands. She was smiling to.

"Look! She's so young and cute!" Akemi chuckled.

"Don't say that!" I warned him, to late.

Y/n picked him up by the collar. "Never, say, I'm, cute." She growled.

"Y-yes ma'am!" Akemi was plopped onto the floor, accompanied by Itome.

"I'm gonna go." She mumbled. She slammed the door open, knocking it off its hinges. And stormed out the room.

"Damn she has anger issues." Tamura said, a bit frightened.

I went over to the door and picked it up.

"Do I have to pay for this?" I asked.

"I think.." Shikatani came up to me,

"Y/n... I'm going to kill you." I mumbled

Your POV

I AM NOT CUTE!! Who would even have the guts to say that?? Ughh! I slammed open the trunk and yanked out my backpack. Hopefully Touno doesn't mind.

Female Hulk and A Sex Club Member |Yarichin Bitch Club|Where stories live. Discover now