t w o | three week detention

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"Ditching school again Mrs. Takeshi?" Shit. Well like I said, I'm blaming this on Touno. In the detention room, I called him and he picked up. "Thanks a bunch for getting me in three week detention sex boy." I sighed "Hey! Don't say that out loud! And it's not my fault." I swear to god I just felt him pouting from the other side of the phone. "Look, you have two choices, either tell mom and get a beating of a life time, or keep your damn mouth shut and survive." "Fine I'll keep my damn mouth shut."
I hung up and sighed, throwing a ping ping ball at the detention guy. He never wakes up. "Hey (Y/N), did you just say 'sex boy'?" Asked Ittoki, my best friend. "Don't ask." I chuckled. My squad: Ittoki, Misao, Ren, Kayoran, and Ayato, were playing music a.k.a Bounce, Trap Requiem, Elastic Heart, I'm gonna show you crazy, and Mr. Saxobeat.

The second week, Friday.

This time, it was just me. The only reason Ittoki, Misao, Ren, Kayoran, and Ayato was there because they pulled a prank during a basketball game. (On the school T.V, they replaced the two announcers with a picture a Mrs. Henaya with her bra and panties on only.). Later on, Ren came with StarBucks. "Hey thought you might be bored (he mumbled this) of course." He gave me coffee and banana bread. "Wanna watch anime?" I asked for asking out my laptop. I used this only for hacking or watching anime. Ren then dared us to watch 'Boku No Pico' (don't watch this unless you want to bleach eyes after.), "FUCK NO PICO WHY" I yelled as the two characters did certain stuff. Ren had four barf bags with him, so why not put them to use?

The third week, Friday

Once again I was alone, but this time around 3:57 Ayato came in. "Hm? Did something?" I asked as he sat down pouting. "I sassed the teacher." He mumbled, "Of course you did." I smirked. "yOU DONT kNOW WHy." He screamed. "Oh I do." I said, in unison we both said "Because you (I) didn't want to do school work."

Later on Touno came to pick me up, "'Sup sex boy." I greeted him with a smirk, "DON'T CALL ME THAT" He yelled as he started the engine. "Whatever, I need help." He sighed, "With what exactly? Hacking? Getting a sex partner?" I smirked again making him flinch. "No and no, I need help unpacking a few other boxes." Touno turned to a familiar road, the road that led to his school. "Fine I'll do it, since we are already here." I grumbled.

You actually had detention Monday-Friday every week but I was to lazy to add the rest....

You actually had detention Monday-Friday every week but I was to lazy to add the rest

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M Bye!!

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