s e v e n|Field Trip

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Today was a field trip, whale den. \(-_______-;)/ I don't exactly like them, to be honest.
One time when I was in grade four, I was almost hit by a bus, a few steel beams, and a flying man. Don't ask about the flying man. But apparently, this field trip was the worst one I have ever had.


"Alright class! Tomorrow, we will be going to, Mori-Mori Academy!" My teacher beamed with happiness.


I had a small bag on my back, I don't know if it would be counted as a backpack, though. I opened the door to my class, everybody was so excited, except for me, well, I don't know if the squad is happy with it either. I actually don't know if they even like Touno.

){Meanwhile with Touno}(

"I forgot to mention this to you guys yesterday, but one class from Ouran High School, will be coming here, today!" I'm pretty sure I turned to stone and my jaw was connected to the floor.

"Any reason why?" Yacchan asked.


"My fiancé is the teacher of this class, (the one that's coming here today)."

Oh duck...

(){}And now back to you{}()

The pink coloured bus arrived at the gate. Looks like I'll be sending lots, and lots, of embarrassing photos of Touno to mom. (Insert evil grin here). Once I stepped on, I took a look at the seats, the very back was open.. Why not? The others followed behind me, choosing their seats.

Once we arrived, I dug my face into Misao's shoulder, hoping my very bad attitude won't seep through, this 'adorable' face of mine.

"Y/n, please, just please, try not to get into trouble today." The teacher pleaded, and I smirked.

"I'll try my very best... Sensei."

She sighed and gave me a look, Ooh someone's mad~ I smirked to myself. Then, another teacher came and gave a small peck on the cheek of our teacher. Shivers traveled down my spine.

"Alright then, everybody ready?" The other teacher clapped his hands together.

"Yeah!!" Seems like everybody was excited.

"Alright then, please follow me!" The man gestured his hands towards us, to follow him.

I got up from my seat, following behind Misao, the friend who is obviously dragging me behind her back. We then made our way to the entrance, where the fucking bastard (Touno) is standing with his friends.
Having my feet being rubbed against the cement pathway, I saw Ren, looking like he was about to throw up.

"Something wrong Ren?" I asked, sleepily.

"Well, my stepbrother goes to this school now." He sighed, a sweat drop making it way down to his chin.

"Stepbrother? Since when did you have a stepsister?" Kayoran tilted her head.

"Weekend." Ren said, picking me from the collar of my shirt.

"Oi, put me down..." I yawned.

"Is that anew tattoo? A small birdcage huh.." Ayato poked my lower back, repeating his movements.

"The birds in the cage represent something personal, so don't go asking me at random times." You whacked his hand away.

"'Sup you backstabbing bitch." Touno came up to me, having a friend by his side.

"Hey, you guys barely look like siblings!" His friend exclaimed.

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock." I yawned once more.

"I'm Yaguchi Kyosuke! My friends call me Yacchan for short!" Yaguchi held out his hand for me to shake.

To be continued...

There will be confessing, and a few injuries in the next chapter! I'm sorry, but I was really lazy right now. And I'm suffering something every girl hates. The thing at the end of a sentence.

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