Being Dirty On a Date Part One

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To be honest, I don't know how I ended up here.. 'Victoria's Secret'.. So many, fucking bras, panties... Lace to be exact..

                 Earlier At School


So.. To be honest, I don't know if this is a good idea.

I walked through out the crowded halls, searching for the one and only, Kayoran. She has a good fashion sense, so why don't I ask her for what I should wear tonight.
Soon enough, I actually found her.

"Hey K.O, I need some help." I blushed at the thought that I'll be having most of my firsts tonight.

"Oh hey, need somethin'?" She turned around to face me.

"Y-Yeah, but in private." I dragged her into a spare room.

"I really need to a-ask you something.." Okay, wrong words, sounds like I'm asking her on a date.. ;-;

"Y/n, are you a lesbian?" Kayoran interrupted me.


"What?" Kayoran looked dumbfounded.

"I'm going on a date and I don't know what to wear. So I'm asking you what I should wear, so yeah, HELP MEH." I groaned the last part and shook her by the collar.

Kayoran clapped her hands happily, and that is bad, very bad.

"Okay.. After school, you, me, mall." Kayoran gave me a quick smile and ran off.


                Time Skip
                     'Cause Imma lazy


I walked around the school yard, tapping my foot impatiently occasionally. Waiting for Kayoran would be-- scratch that, is a night mare.
More hours, (or what I thought were hours but were minutes) passed by, once again, tapping my foot impatiently occasionally.

"Ne, Y/n-san, you ready??" Kayoran ran out of the school, roughly grabbing my forearm.

"Yeah, yeah. Hurry before Tamaki finds me!" I yelled, triggering Kayoran's shopping mode. (Which includes; squealing, the phrase 'O.M.G Y/n LOOK AT THISS!!', and dragging the victim by the arm)




Oh, so that's how it all started.. But.. Why do I..? Need..a .. Lingerie? I thought was Kayoran held up a black lace lingerie.

"WHY" Was all I said.

"Why not?" She smirked.

"Bitch, this is just a date! It's not like I'm gonna seduce him!!" I wailed my arms, trying to shush Kayoran, but mostly cover my tomato face.

"C'mon~ you never know~~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" Kayoran.. Why?

"No. No. No." But then I realized, I can never say 'No.' Kayoran will still get it. No matter what.

"You know what? Buy what ever you want. What's the point in saying no anymore..?" I groaned and headed outside to wait for her.

Little did I know, saying 'You know what? Buy what ever you want. What's the point in saying no anymore..?', was sorta a mistake..

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