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This is probably gonna be really short. Yeah, just thought of it, it's gonna be short.

"You want to get something off your chest?" I asked the blue haired male.

"Yeah." We stopped outside a small room.

He was pinning me against the wall. Confession maybe? Yeah.. It is isn't it? To be honest, I don't know if I'm ready for a relationship. What if I screw up?
My heart started to increase its heart beat. I felt like it was going to jump out of my chest, once i felt Tamura's hot breath against my cheek.

"Y-Y-Y/n, I r-really need t-t-to get this o-off my mouth... I LOVE YOU OKAY?!? It b-been like since I l-landed e-eyes on y-you!" Both our cheeks burned a crimson red. Especially Tamura's.

"Wow, okay then. Let's go on a date..." Wait.. What did I just say. Eh, I like him too.

"A-a d-date?" He questioned, making me chuckle.

"Yeah, a date. Do you want me to explain to you?" I whispered the last part. "Cuz ya know, your kinda like a dumbass." I think he heard me though.

"First of all, sure, it's a date. And second. Don't call me a dumbass... Dumbass. Dumbass is your new nickname. Okay dumbass?" His words made me laugh.

"Yeah, I got it! Haha, dumbass...." I like the new nickname. It's fit me!

I leaned in a bit, pecking his lips. Once our mouths were separated, Tamura kissed me again. But this time, it wasn't a peck. It was filled with lust, making me kiss him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck. And because of the lack of air, we had to pull apart.

Done! Next chapter is da date!! Author-chan is happy now!! Comment how the date should go!

Done! Next chapter is da date!! Author-chan is happy now!! Comment how the date should go!

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