f i v e|the ourAN HIGH SCHOOL HOST CLub?!

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Yes, the Ouran High School Host Club. I've added an anime!!! Enjoy this little chapter! Thanks! Bye! o.( )







"Making my way downtown, walking fast, and all that other shit." I mumbled under my breath.

Moving to a new high school was pretty bad. But! Ittoki, Misao, Ren, Kayoran, and Ayato, came with me! Also, one thing, the girls uniform was a fucking yellow dress which made me look like a fucking walking mushroom. So, I wore normal clothes, not the boys uniform, and not the girls uniform.

"Wow, this school looks like a pink Barbie castle." Ren pointed out.

"Yeah, no shit...." Misao mumbled.

"Hm, I wonder, if we could get expelled if we did random shit." I turned around and saw them smirking.

We all walked in and saw the yellow mushroom girls, and the boys, all staring at us.

"Uh, are they new students?"

"Did they know that we have to wear uniforms to school?" I heard one of them wondering out loud.

"Yeah, we knew we had to wear the uniforms, but, we didn't want to." I said bluntly.

We finally made out way to the principals office.

"Hm, Ren, Misao, Kayoran, Ayato, Ittoki, and Y/n? Alright, seems like your all in the same class.

After school, we all decided to look for an empty room for a causal hangout. And so, we found 'Music Room 3'.
We opened the door, and rose petals attacked us.

"What the?!"

"Hello! Welcome to the Host Club!"

"Y/n, I don't think think we can handle this bullshit." Ittoki whispered to me.

"Um, we'll be leaving now.." I said awkwardly.

"Wait! May I know your name??"

The blond kid with violet eyes grabbed my wrist.

"Oh, it's Fuck Off." I smirked yanking my wrist away from his grasp.

"EEEEHHH?!" The kid started to sulk in a corner of the room, not to mention, some girls trying to comfort him.

"Hey! You can't just leave him like that!" A 'boy' with brown hair yelled at me.

"Oh yes I can!" I talked back, "Do you even know who I am?" I asked, spinning around.

"Um, no."

"Oh, I see, I guess only public schools know me. I'm Y/n L/n. Probably the most toughest person you will ever meet."

"Oh, Y/n L/n." The creepy guy with glasses acted surprised by my name.

"Hm, sounds like you were the one who punched the living life out of, hm, Manraj Basi?"

"Oh, and how do you know?" I asked, taking a small step forward.

"Well, I'm Kyoya Otori."

"That isn't much of an answer Otori."

"Oh and you are capable of breaking down a wall, made out of iron, or so. And knocking a door off its hinges, lifting up a couch with only one hand, and.... Hm, let's say, your the most violent female, here in Japan, or maybe, the world."

"Hm, are you a stalker?"

"No, but I'm thinking that you would make a great hostess."




"No way in goddamn hell, would I ever do that." I stood my ground, not taking back my answer.

"Well, an apology to make up for Tamaki over there, being a hostess would be fine."

"What?! What about doing something else besides being a fucking hostess!?"


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