CHAPTER 5 - The Guys

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-Quick Note-

When I mention Kiyoshi I mean Miyaji, not Teppei. Just clarification haha. Oh and this chapter is just a lot of Takao being heartbroken so enjoy~



I still owe him a favor. Takao was sitting by his window, sipping on a cup of tea. He was staring at nothing, but came back to reality when he noticed some snow beginning to fall. It made him feel lonelier somehow, each snowflake falling quietly onto the ground. This was so unlike him, he would've called Midorima himself by now, but something was holding him back. He felt like they left things a little shaky, even if Midorima said he forgave him; it made his heart ache.

Takao had never been in love before but he was no fool. He could tell he was falling for Midorima, and it worried him. It worried him because he fell for someone that probably wants nothing to do with him anymore, he got his apology and now he was done with him. Takao wanted to see him, at least one more time. He guessed if he did he could maybe try and put these foolish feelings to rest; ignore them and hope they'd go away. He wanted to forget, it was better for him, but at the same time, he didn't. Takao was so caught up in these thoughts that it scared it half to death when his phone rang. He didn't check who it was; he immediately answered the phone, hoping it was Midorima. Please be him.

"Hello?" he sounded desperate.

"Whoa calm down Takao, it's just me, Yuuya."

"Oh," oh.. "Sorry I thought you were someone else." Takao sighed, chuckling a little to himself. Just how stupid am I?

"Haha alright. Well I was calling to see if you wanted to get together." Miyaji asked "The guys and I were gonna go visit a shrine later, but we wanted to have a jam session before then, you in?"

Right, it was New Years Eve. The whole world is celebrating and here he was moping all by himself, how pathetic. He really didn't feel like visiting a shrine, but he needed to let off some steam. "Yeah sure I'll be there in 30'." He put on his coat and slung his guitar over his back then grabbed his helmet and headed out the door.

"Yo Takao!" Yuuya greeted him as he opened the door. "Everyone's already in the basement let's go."

Takao and the guys started this band while they were still in high school. Takao was the lead singer and played the rhythm guitar, Yuuya Miyaji was on drums, his older brother Kiyoshi was lead guitar and supporting vocals, and Kimura Shinsuke was on bass. They've acquired quite the fan base over the last 3 years, more than they probably should have; they were just some band out of a garage after all. Takao didn't mind the attention, it made it easier to hook up with people and make new friends. It let me meet him too. Fuck no. He came here to stop thinking about Midorima but that was more difficult than he originally thought. That boy found his way into Takao's mind like a weed. He could try and get rid of it all he wants but it will find its way back sooner or later.

Takao was greeted by the rest of the guys when they made it into the basement, all of them already in place and ready to play. Takao didn't waste any time; he grabbed his guitar from his case and plugged it in, immediately strumming away.

"Woah Takao you okay?" Kiyoshi yelled over his vigorous strumming.

Takao stopped. "Yeah, why?" he was panting already.

"You're unusually aggressive today." Kiyoshi sounded concerned. Was he really acting that different?

"Don't worry about it let's just play." Takao brushed him off. The others just kind of looked at each other, shrugged, and began playing too. The hours came and left and it was nearing 10 pm. The band had been paying nonstop since Takao had arrived. They decided to take a break. Kiyoshi sat down next to Takao on the floor, swinging an arm around his shoulder.

"Seriously what's up? You're never like this."

It took Takao some time to debate whether or not he should tell them. It wasn't that he didn't trust them; it's just if he said it out loud, to someone else, there would be no going back on his feelings. The pain in his chest never really went away no matter how hard he played, so he said fuck it.

"I'm fucking miserable." He chuckled a little, laughing at how pathetic he was.

"What do you mean, how?" Kiyoshi asked, concern in his voice.

"There's someone I like, a lot, probably way too much already, and they most likely want nothing to do with me anymore." Takao sounded so hurt; he was hurt. He never dismissed the possibility of love at first sight, he only wished he knew it was this painful, ad that it would happen to him.

"You? In love? The Takao Kazunari is in love, and already heartbroken?" Kiyoshi knew he was being a dick, but he couldn't wrap his mind around it. "And who the hell is this person that has you like this?"

Takao took a deep breath, and let out a sigh. He couldn't even get mad at Kiyoshi because his thoughts were filled with Midorima. The first time he had met him he was blown away. He looked so clean and crisp, so elegant and poised; the complete opposite of Takao, and yet he couldn't look away. He was intimidated and acted on impulse; he still couldn't believe he stuck a poster right onto his chest. Stupid stupid stupid. When he saw him at the concert he looked so out of place; a white flower in the middle of a pile of rubble. Takao was more confident that day; he was in his atmosphere, whereas Midorima wasn't making it the perfect time to toy with him. Or so he thought. In the end it backfired. If only Midorima hadn't made such a face, maybe Takao wouldn't have been entranced like he was when he saw it. And the day they got together, that was the day Takao realized he was in trouble, and just how much more beautiful in person he was, compared to his memories.

"Guys it's almost time we should start heading out." Kimura said, the two brothers voicing their agreement as well.

"Ah, all right, guess I'll start heading home." Takao said as he started getting up.

Kiyoshi grabbed Takao's arm. "Oh hell no you're coming with us." He said sternly. "We're not done here Takao." Takao just kind of looked at Kiyoshi for a while and realized he wouldn't budge. He sighed a fine and yanked his arm out of Kiyoshi's grasp.

The night was cold, a lot colder than he had wished it to be. He still couldn't believe he was actually going along. Actually, he could, cause Kiyoshi is hella scary. He knew he would bring up their earlier conversation again, and he wasn't looking forward to that. They had finally made it to the shrine, and it was packed. So many different kinds of people were there, children, teenagers, men, women, lovers. He gagged at the last one. Two people being all in love was the last thing he wanted to see right now. He turned away from that gross couple in front of him, only to see something worse. Why is this happening to him. Why the hell did Midorima Shintarou have to be here, and why the hell is he holding some girl's hands.

-Author's Notes-

Ahhh thankfully I finished before Monday. Takao is basically done for, if only he knew Midorima liked him back. Although Midorima doesn't realize his own feelings so everyone is just done. As always i hope you like the chapter and i'll try and have the next one up by Wednesday or Thursday. Hopefully lolol.

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