CHAPTER 20 - Trust Me

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"No way." Midorima said, seriously. "There is no fucking way I'm getting on that."

"Come on Shin-chaaaan." Takao whined.  "I can't just leave her here."


"Yeah, she's my precious Thunder. I've had her for a while." Takao said, gently stroking the seat of his motorcycle.

"Well you can tell your precious Thunder-san that there is no way in hell I am getting on." Midorima pouted, turning the other way, arms crossed.

Takao laughed, "Shin-chan, are you scared?" he peeked his head around, smirking as he looked up at Midorima.

"O-Of course not!" Midorima stated, turning even more to avoid Takao's face. "I just-" He couldn't bring himself to tell Takao that he didn't want to ride his bike because he felt too awkward. He would have to hold on to him pretty tightly and..Midorima cursed himself for having these thoughts. What am I even thinking? His thoughts confused him. He turned his head only to find Takao already staring at him, his extra helmet being shoved into Midorima's face.

"Come on Shin-chan, there's something I want to show you." Takao said with a smile, as he swung his leg over his motorcycle, helmet already on. He looked back at Midorima who was debating whether or not to give in. Takao patted the space behind him, causing Midorima to give out a small sigh in defeat. He put the stupid helmet on and carefully sat behind Takao. He felt extremely uncomfortable, not knowing where to put his hands. He opted for gently placing them on Takao's shoulders.

"Come on now, you're gonna fall if you don't hold on tightly Shin-chan." Takao said, grabbing Midorima's hands, and bringing them around his waist, forcing Midorima to close what little space was between their bodies. "Don't let go." Takao said, and even though Midorima couldn't see it, he could feel Takao smirk.

Takao started up his motorcycle, and they drove off. He had wanted to bring Midorima to his house, so he could give him what he had planned, but the feeling of Midorima tightly grabbing on to him was the best feeling in the world. Takao didn't want it to end, even though it had to eventually. He just made sure it took a little longer than usual. They drove for a while; Takao enjoyed speeding up and taking sharp turns, in order to feel Midorima tighten his grip, he just wished he could see his face.

"Takao stop driving so recklessly!" Midorima yelled, hoping Takao could hear him.

"Haha sorry Shin-chan!" Takao yelled back laughing. "Doesn't the wind feel amazing though? Try letting go."

"What do you mean let go? Are you crazy?!" Midorima questioned, he would never dream of letting go, he was way too scared.

"Come on Shin-chan, put your arms up" Takao tried to convince him. "Trust me."

Midorima didn't feel any less terrified, but for some reason those last two words made it seem like everything would be all right. So he would just trust him and-

"I'm doing it!" Midorima yelled nervously "Takao I'm doing it!"

"And how does it feel?" Takao said, trying to keep his bike as steady as possible.

Midorima kept his arms up and closed his eyes. He felt the wind pass through his fingertips, graze his face, tousle his hair. It felt,

"Great!" He exclaimed, a smile across his face. He felt like all his worries were no longer with him, that all the drama he had been going through was being swept away by the wind; he was on a motorcycle for the first time, he was scared, but enjoying himself, and above all else, he was with Takao.

Takao couldn't avoid the pothole in front of him, causing the motorcycle to bounce a little. The slight bump was enough for Midorima to quickly wrap around Takao as tight as he could possibly imagine. Takao began laughing, "Sorry about that Shin-chan, but could you um- let go a little.. I kind of can't breathe."

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