CHAPTER 19 - Happy to Talk to You Again

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"Yo long time no see." Takao said, before hitting his head against the mirror. No that's no good either. "Hey is this seat taken?" obviously not, it used to be my seat. "That seat looks cold; can I warm it for you?" WHAT AM I SAYING NONONONO. He repeatedly banged his head against his mirror before running out of ideas. Takao had woken up an hour early just so he could practice what he was going to say when he approached Midorima. It had been so natural before, he could talk to him so effortlessly. Now it was awkward and it felt forced. Well whose fault is that dumbass..

After talking to the guys last night he felt a lot better, he certainly looked better too, maybe just slightly sleep deprived. The nights were probably the worst part of all this; they gave him too much time to think. After giving himself a good pep talk Takao walked out the door, helmet in hand and ready to finally fix the mess he had created. Once he arrived to school he made his way through the front gate, when he heard someone call his name. "Hey Takao!" the voice called, and he turned around to see who it was.

"Oh, hey Kise long time no see." Takao greeted, if only he could be as lively as him all the time.

Kise nudged him in the side jokingly. "Your fault for going MIA."

Takao laughed before his face turned serious. "Yeah.. sorry about that. I've had a.. rough time recently."

Kise felt sad just looking at him. Geez Midorimacchi, what are you doing to this poor guy? He swung his arm around Takao's shoulder and gave him a good squeeze. "Maaan! I have no idea what that idiot is doing. Momocchi and I haven't really spoken to him much either."

"Wait, how do you.." Takao began asking but let a smile out instead. "Am I really that obvious?"

"Clear as day!" Kise yelled, swinging his arm into the air, making Takao chuckle. "Why him though? He's so dense and not cute."

"Oh I'll fight you on that last one." Takao said humorously. "Honestly I'm not so sure myself. I guess he's just very intriguing to me, I have fun when I'm with him and well.. Whenever I look at him I feel as though I shouldn't, because someone like me shouldn't be allowed to look at someone as beautiful as him." Takao trailed off before realizing everything he had just said. He quickly covered his mouth, his cheeks the slightest shade of red. "I'm sorry! I said too much..."

Kise started laughing uncontrollably. "I'm sorry I'm sorry." He managed through laughs. "You're so unexpectedly sappy, who knew!" Kise started laughing again. "You sort of remind me of my boyfriend, no one would expect it but he's the biggest sap in the world."

"Really? I would have expected you to be the sap of your relationship." Takao joked.

"Nah, I'm more of the straightforward type."

"I guess that makes more sense.." Takao pondered.

"You're really honest Takao; you're a good guy." Which is why I wish Midorimacchi would be with you not that bitch. "And sorry for having to cut this short, but if we don't hurry we'll be late for class."

"Oh shit you're right." Takao cursed before running towards his classroom.

"Good luck!" Kise called out and Takao yelled back a 'thank you'.

Takao managed to make it to his classroom with a good 10 minutes to spare. To no surprise Midorima was already there, sitting at their usual seat. All he had to do was go up there and sit next to him, so why was it so difficult? I wondered if this was even a good idea. Maybe he should just sit in the back and wait until class was over? But that would make him run the risk of getting interrupted by Kurosawa. What to do, what to do... Fuck it.

Takao walked in the classroom and made his way to his seat, stopping before sitting down. "Is it alright if I sit here?" he asked quietly. Midorima turned his head at the sound of a voice. His eyes widened when he saw Takao standing there, and quickly told him to sit down. Midorima didn't know what to do with himself. Part of him wanted to cry, the other part of him wanted to pull Takao into a hug, but no part of him was mad at him anymore. He hadn't realized how much he missed interacting with Takao. He was beyond happy that he talked to him again.

"Say.. Midorima." Takao still wasn't sure if he was allowed to call him Shin-chan anymore, whereas Midorima felt a sting when Takao called him by his last name. "I really want to talk things out; do you think we can meet after class today?"

"Yes, let's do it, I would love to." Midorima said. He couldn't wait until things were back to normal between the two of them again. He hadn't noticed how much relief he felt when he was talking to Takao, but just that small conversation made him feel happy and safe in a way he couldn't describe. He wished they could just ditch class and talk right now, something that he never felt. Midorima was never the type to miss school simply because he wanted to talk with someone, but he couldn't help himself.

"Takao, say.." Midorima started. "Do you want to go somewhere now and talk?"

"Wait are you serious, Shin-chan?!" There it was. He accidentally let that slip, but Midorima didn't seem to mind. If fact, he looked happy, which made Takao sort of sad. He wanted to tell him how he felt so badly, but he wasn't that cruel. "Fuck it let's go." Takao said. He grabbed Midorima by the hand and they ran out of the classroom, just before their professor had made it to the door. They ran. They ran all the way to the front gate, until they had to stop to catch their breath.

"Now what?" Midorima asked through huffs and puffs. "I've never skipped school before."

Takao laughed as he caught his breath. "I've never skipped school with someone else, so I guess you're my first, Shin-chan." Man did he miss teasing him. But he missed Midorima's blushing face even more, which was on full display now.

"Shut up." Is all Midorima could say.

"Come on, let's go." Takao said, grabbing Midorima's hand once more and pulling him along towards the parking lot.

-Author's Notes-

Finally an update on time hooho. I'm so glad i got to write them together, i really missed it. Also really sad i never really show Aomine that much, but he's busy working. Headcanon for me is that once in a relationship Aomine is suuuper sappy and romantic but in that indifferent sort of way? Like he doesn't do it on purpose i guess hahah. 

Also i think this fic is coming to an end soon, maybe in another 4 or 5 chapters? We shall see!! As always i hope you liked the chapter, and thank you to all the people who vote and comment it makes me really happy! See you sometime next week!!! <3

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