Chapter 25 - It's You

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"Are you sure they're ok?" Satsuki asked nervously fiddling with her fingers, "they've been talking for quite a while."

"Yeah and you know how Kurosawa is; she could've kidnapped him by now!" Kise added.

"Guys." Aomine said, "I'm sure they're fine. I mean he is breaking up with her right now. Gotta find the right words you know?"

Kise and Satsuki stayed quiet for a little before Kise stood up suddenly, slamming both his hands on the table. "No! He got kidnapped, I can feel it!" he exclaimed, ready to run out the door. Before he even took 2 steps Aomine had already pushed Kise back into his seat.

"Just sit down Kise." Aomine said. "It's fine. He's fine."

"But Dai-chan how can you be so sure?" Satsuki asked him, still worried.

Aomine simply pointed to the window, making the other two look in that direction. Midorima was standing there, looking around for a second, before running off.

"See?"  Aomine chuckled, flicking Kise's forehead. "You were worrying for no reason."

"But," Kise started, making Aomine groan in frustration, as if saying 'now what'. "It's just, Takao is playing a show right now remember?"

"Yeah and?"

"Midorimacchi is going the wrong way." Kise said, holding back laugh.

"That idiot." Aomine said, getting out of his seat. "How could he forget something so-" He got stopped in his tracks when Kise grabbed his hand, pulling him back into his seat.

"Dai-chan it's alright. Don't worry, he'll remember." Satsuki said laughing. "It's just like you said; he's fine."

"Oh how are you two suddenly so calm? At this rate he'll never make it there!" Aomine exclaimed frustrated, but eventually gave into to Kise's pulling and sat back down.  Kise began running his fingers through Aomine's hair, it helped him relax whenever he was stressed.

"He'll make it there Aominecchi." Kise reassured.

"I sure hope so."

Midorima wasn't sure where he was going, all he did was run. He ran frantically in the first direction that seemed right. He was panting and sweating but he finally made it to Takao's apartment. He stood by the door, trying to catch his breath, until he finally knocked. He hadn't thought any of this through, what was he going to say? Upon hearing no answer he tried again, this time harder in case he hadn't heard him the first time.  But again no one answered the door. Midorima started panicking. He thought that perhaps he was ignoring him now, that he didn't want to see him whatsoever, when it hit him.

"He's not home today!" Midorima exclaimed into the air, face palming himself. He had completely forgotten that Takao was playing a show today... and he really wanted to see it too. He immediately started wracking his brain on where that damn bar was. He had only been there once before, but he should've still been able to remember where it was, after all, it's where this whole mess really began in the first place.

The poor green haired boy started to panic, furiously trying to think. If only he could remember the name, the street; anything! He couldn't take it anymore so he started running again. He had no idea where he was running to, but he just couldn't stand still anymore. He knew he could just wait to see Takao at university the following week, but something inside him told him this was his only chance. It couldn't wait; it had to be now. It finally came to a point where Midorima couldn't run anymore. He was sweaty and out of breath, god knows where, completely lost. "I won't make it." Midorima had given up, deciding to take a seat on the curb, trying to regain his thoughts and catch a breath. He covered his face with his trembling hands, his breathing still uneven. He wanted to see him. Why did he have to forget, now of all times, the place where they first officially met?

You're my lucky item. [Midorima x Takao] (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now