CHAPTER 13 - Slight Misunderstanding

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It was Monday again, and Midorima was exhausted. He couldn't sleep properly at all, and that was because of many reasons. As soon as Takao left he had pestered Fumiko to tell him what had been going on, but she told him nothing. That was usually how she was, but he also knew how bad Fumiko was at keeping secrets, so after a couple of more times asking her she would surely end up telling him; this did not happen.

For the first time ever Fumiko actually managed to keep a secret, did she like Takao that much? Midorima thought he had come to terms with the events that had happened, but he still felt like he was missing some vital information, which caused him major trouble sleeping. Instead of actually falling asleep properly, he would stare at his ceiling, wondering what the cause could have been. The next day was no easier. Fumiko had been so hyper throughout the entire day, demanding that they go visit Takao.

"Fumiko we can't just go to his house." Midorima argued, though she was so set on it he even had to fake a phone call with him, just to make her stop asking. When the night rolled around it was the same thing, that weird sensation. When morning finally came he brought Fumiko to the station to meet up with his mother.

"Oh is Takao-kun not with you?" She asked quite surprised.

"No.. why would he be?" Midorima looked at her confused.

She giggled and waved him off. "No reason no reason. Thank you again for looking after your sister. Take care of yourself Shintarou."

As soon as the car left Midorima's upright posture fell into a slouch. He was so tired. After slowly, but surely, walking to his college, he spotted Kise at the front gate. He quickly turned the other way; he knew he didn't have enough energy to talk to him right now. As he hurriedly tried to keep out of Kise's sight, he managed to bump into Kurosawa. "Oh, Midorima-kun. Good morning." She said sweetly.

"Kurosawa-san, good morning." He managed to reply. He knew he looked tired, he felt tired, his face felt tired; everything about him looked tired and Kurosawa took notice. "Midorima-kun, are you alright?" she worried.

"Ah yes, please don't let it concern you." He tried to explain. "I simply didn't sleep well because of Takao." Midorima didn't realize Kurosawa would take it the wrong way. Because she took it the worst way. She simply smiled at him and offered to walk him to his class, but on the inside she was seething, ready to murder anyone that wasn't Midorima. When they got to the classroom, she watched as Midorima took a seat. He's not here yet. I guess I'll wait. After a couple of minutes Takao made it to the door, but before he could enter Kurosawa stepped in front of him. "Listen here you asshole."

"Good morning to you too bitch." He quickly retorted. "What do you want?"

"I don't know what you're doing to Midorima that's making him lose sleep, but I suggest you stay away from him from now on." What is she talking about? He wondered.

"And why should I listen to anything you have to say?" Takao was starting to get pissed. He didn't need her to come to his face and tell him he's making Midorima sleep deprived. What is she even trying to get at?

"All I know is that Midorima is better off without you. You're such a nuisance to him. You think I don't know he has to tutor you? Just because you're dumb enough to choose the wrong class..."

"Don't you even-"

"You are wasting his time and you know it." She had her arms crossed and looked him straight in the eyes. "He thinks you're a bother and because of you, worthless scum, he's losing sleep." Her words hurt Takao, a lot. He knew he shouldn't take what she was saying so personally, after all, she liked Midorima too. But what if she was right? Maybe he was a nuisance to him. She eventually stopped talking and he pushed his way inside. The moment he saw Midorima's face he felt horrible. He looked so tired. The normally glowing, and beautiful Midorima looked washed out and almost dead. He had never seen him like that before.

"Morning Shin-chan." He said softly as he took a seat. Midorima's reaction came late, and slow, but he managed to mumble out a raspy 'morning Takao.' "Man you look awful." Takao tried to lighten the mood, but he felt really drained seeing Midorima like this. "Did you sleep at all?"

It took Midorima a bit before he answered. "No and it's all your fault." That's when Takao stopped listening. Not that Midorima said anything after that, but all the sound in the room vanished. It's like he was sitting in a white empty room in complete silence. It was agonizing. Oh, I see. I guess I am a nuisance. Maybe I should leave him a-

"Takao-kun." He finally snapped out of it, only to find their professor right in front of them. "Do you think you will be okay?"

"I'm sorry with what sir?" He was so confused, was class already over?

"The test next week, it's a big part of your grade. Don't worry; remember your worst score is dropped." He assured him, "But I still want you to try your hardest, so Shintarou will make sure you learn everything, right?"

"Yes of course." He mumbled out, still tired. "I'm leaving him in your hands then, study hard!" and with that their professor walked away.

"So Takao, when do you want to have another study session?" Midorima asked him. "Is Friday okay?"

"You don't have to do this..." Takao whispered, low enough for Midorima not to hear, who was still awaiting his answer. "Um yes that's fine." He eventually agreed.

The next day Midorima felt a lot better. He had passed out as soon as he had gotten home after his remaining two classes, so he was all caught up on sleep. Kise was surprisingly already there. "Midorimacchi! Sit here sit here!" he ferociously pointed at the seat next to him. It was the one closest to the front. This was that bitch won't be able to sit next to him, he thought.

"Man you look a lot better today!" Kise said cheerfully.

"Wait, you saw me?"

"Talk about rude, the way you just ignored me. But that bitc- beautiful Kurosawa already caught you so I just let you go." He awkwardly laughed.

"Well I do feel a lot better now thankfully. I'm surprised you're here so early Kise." Midorima said.

"Ah, well you know, trying to (make sure she stays away from you) change things up a bit!" As he said that Kurosawa walked in the room. She let out a loud 'tch' as she saw their seating arrangement. Take that, Kise thought. After sweetly greeting Midorima, she elbowed Kise in the back as she passed him to sit down. She smiled at him as she took her seat. This little-

When it was their classes break time, Midorima excused himself to the bathroom, and as soon as he was out the door Kurosawa turned to Kise. "What's your problem?" She spat at him.

"It's sitting right in front of me." He answered back. She just looked at him with a disgusted face. "I have enough troubles with that other asshole; I don't need you to cockblock me even more." She said.

"Well newsflash, I don't ship you together so you can just fuck off." He yelled at her. "Midorima is better off with Takao."

Kurosawa was about to yell something back, but Midorima came back before she could. "This isn't over."She whispered to Kise.

"Oh trust me I know." He whispered back.

-Author's Notes-

And I fell behind hahah. I'm sorry I just really didn't know how to proceed. Midorima really doesn't know how to use words properly ahhaa. Poor Takao is gonna be very expressive next chapter. I hope to write that one faster, but we shall see. Midterms are no joke haaaaa...

I hoped you liked the chapter, even though not much happened. I don't know why I like making Takao feel bad. Anyhowwwww, I'll hopefully have the next one up by Wednesday. *prays*

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