Chapter 22 - Enough

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Takao couldn't have been happier with how things went yesterday. The minute he got back from band practice all he could think about was Midorima, sitting right there, tasting his food, helping him cook, just simply spending time with him. But no matter how happy he was, there was always a bit of pain left in his heart. He knew that his feelings would never be reciprocated... he knew that. As much as he wanted to believe he could still have a chance with him, he was aware that he needed to move on. Having fun with him, like they did last night, would be enough. He wanted it to be enough, but deep down it never felt like it was.

Regardless of his feelings, he had other things to focus on today. He was going to meet up with his band, one last time before the show later tonight. He was saddened that he wouldn't be seeing Midorima today, since he was going to have to skip Spanish, but he just hoped he came. It was going to be at the same venue where Takao gave him his number. Oh what a throwback. He couldn't help but smile at himself, remembering how flustered Midorima had looked. If he came this time it would be completely different. He would just be a friend coming to support a friend. But Takao couldn't let himself get distracted. This gig was a lot more important. Even though it was a show on a Tuesday, it was still going to be packed. The bar was having a special event going, and because of that Takao and his band mates were actually getting paid a lot more than they were used to. They had to make it good.

Takao simply couldn't resist the temptation. He wanted to see him, at least for good luck. So he had an early lunch and made his way to school. He knew Midorima got off class right about now so he went to look for him. He found Midorima pretty quickly, but he was seeing too much. He was right where he expected him to be, leaving his classroom, except Kurosawa was with him too, and to top everything off she was kissing him. Takao didn't want to deal with any of this, so he turned around and went to go meet up with the boys instead.

"Kurosawa stop." Midorima pushed her off shortly after. "Not in public."

"Sorry, I just couldn't help myself." She giggled, although the truth was she saw Takao out of the corner of her eye and wanted to stick it to him. That's right, walk away asshole.

Kise pushed passed them, out of the classroom they were all in together before. "Ew you're disgusting." He said, looking directly at Kurosawa. She just laughed it off, although she really wanted to snap back at him.

"Midorima-kun," she said instead "do you want to go grab lunch together? I wanna talk about yesterday.."

Midorima sighed, he really didn't want to have this conversation but he guessed he owed it to her. "Sure why not. Let's stay on campus though, we have Spanish after this."

"Yeah okay just don't mind me I'll just stay here. No big deal." Kise said with the most sarcastic of tones. Midorima couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

"Do you wanna come too Kise?" He asked.

"Whaaaat? Me, your friend, go along with you? Absurd!" Kise joked. Kurosawa was glaring at him, hoping he would mind his own business for once and leave them alone. Kise looked Kurosawa straight in the eyes as he said, "of course I want to come."

Kurosawa had to use all her strength to not go up there and slap the living shit out of him. Kise smiled as he walked right passed her, leading the way.

Once they finally sat down and began eating, Kise asked, "So Midorimacchi, where's Takao?"

"Oh right." Midorima remembered, "he said he had to practice with his band because they have a show tonight."

"Oooh are you gonna go?"

"I want to but I don't know if I should or not." Kise simply gave him a confused look.

Midorima had been thinking about his feelings non stop since yesterday. He couldn't really put into words, much less try to comprehend them. When he got home yesterday all he felt like doing was crying. That and he had the strongest urge to go back and see Takao. He was a mess. He didn't know what to do with himself. As the little tears rolled down his check he grabbed his phone.

"Midorima-kun?" Kurosawa's voice sounded from his phone. "Why didn't you come to class??"

"I'm sorry for calling you so unexpectedly, and I can explain don't worry but.."

"Wait," Kurosawa cut him off, "are you crying?"

He thought he was hiding it better, but he wasn't as good of an actor as he thought he was apparently. He didn't really know why he called Kurosawa. He wanted to ask her something. No, he wanted to tell her something, but he didn't know what it was. It made him confused and sad. And even though he knew this was rude, he simply hung up on her. What the hell am I trying to even do?


"It's kinda complicated," Midorima tried to explain. "I just haven't decided yet.

Kurosawa was fidgeting in her seat, all the while she had to listen to them yak about Takao, Takao and even more goddamn Takao, when she couldn't take it anymore.

"Can you guys stop talking about fucking Takao!" She exclaimed, slamming her fists onto the table. She was breathing heavily as Kise and Midorima looked at her in shock. Kise knew she was a grade A bitch, but he never thought she would lose her cool in front of Midorima.

"Kurosawa, maybe you should calm-"

"No! All you're fucking talking about is Takao this and Takao that! I'm literally right here!" She kept yelling, "Plus, isn't he the reason you called me crying last night?! I'm right aren't I?!"

Midorima didn't know what to say, he wanted to explain to her what went on yesterday, give her a reason as to why he called her, but he himself didn't even know, so how could he explain it to her. He didn't want to make her angry, it was the first time he had seen her get so upset. He was being such an inconsiderate jerk to her right now.

"Kurosawa, I'm sorry." He apologized. He wasn't exactly sure what for, but he didn't want her to keep being angry.

Kise just looked at him, Midorima didn't do anything wrong. Why the hell was he apologizing? Nope. He couldn't take it anymore. He was going to put an end to this nonsense. Now.

- Authors Notes -
GUYS IM SO SORRY. For some reason wattpad has been bugging out on me? I tried uploading this like 3 days ago but it didn't work So here I am again. It finally posted thank god.

Anywayyyyy I hope you like this way overdue shit chapter hahah i feel sort of 'eh' about it. BUT THINGS WILL GO DOWN NEXT CHAPTER HOHOHO 😈 see you then ~

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