Chapter 23 - Back Up

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As Midorima kept apologizing for no reason Kise made a quick phone call. He had enough of this whole situation, and he wasn't going to let Midorima be taken advantage of by this two faced bitch. Kise stood up, grabbed Midorima's arm, and started dragging him away.

"We need to talk." He said as he kept pulling him towards the exit. Midorima was so confused he didn't even respond. Kurosawa on the other hand was quickly after them.

"Wait what the hell, Kise?" She said angrily, making Kise come to a halt. He looked down at her and all he said was "Nope."

"Nope, nope, nope," He said waving his hand in front of Kurosawa's face. " I am going to talk to Midorima, and that means without you bitch." He quickly went back to dragging Midorima along, leaving a stunned Kurosawa standing there.

"Kise that was a little me-"

"NOPE." He shouted once more.

After finally making it past the front gates Kise let go of Midorima's arm. After adjusting his sleeve and shirt Midorima asked, "What was all this just now?"

"I'm sorry Midorimacchi I just can't stand by and watch you do this. We have to talk."

Midorima sighed, "What do you want to talk about exactly?"

"Not just me, I called in back up." Kise said, Midorima showing the slightest expression of confusion. What does Kise mean by back up? Who the hell did he-


"Sup Midorima." Aomine and Momoi said as they walked up to where he and Kise were standing.

Oh shit.

Eventually, after quite some refusing, Midorima caved and they ended up in a nearby cafe. Midorima was sitting up straight, even more than usual, and the rest of them all seemed...stiff to say the least. Awkward was an understatement. The four of them just sort of sat there for a while, thick silence filling their space.

"So.." Kise and Momoi said at the same time.

"Oh it's ok Momocchi you can go first." Kise said, his voice cracking a bit.

"No no you can go." Momoi said in return, voice just as nervous.

"Trust me, you can go first I insist."

"No I seriously think-"

"You have to break up with Kurosawa." Aomine said bluntly, his usual bored expression in place.

"AOMINECCHI!" "DAI-CHAN!" Kise and Momoi yelled at him, but he just shrugged.

"That's why we're here aren't we?" He replied.

"Yeees but you can't just say it like that!" Momoi exclaimed.

"Exactly you have to find the right words," Kise added

"What do you guys mean?" Midorima finally broke his silence. Making all three of them look at him. They had completely forgotten he was there.

"Listen Midorimacchi, you really have to break up with her."

"Why though?" Midorima was confused. He didn't really understand why all of them hated Kurosawa so much. "I owe a lot to Kurosawa, and she is very kind to me" he added.

"Midorin that's where you're wrong. She's not a good person."

"Yeah even I can tell that much and I don't really know her. She's super two faced.." Aomine added.

"I don't think you've ever noticed how awful she is in reality. She only ever acts nicely around you." Kise said.

"That can't be right, she's so sweet and-"

"Then explain why she blew up like that."

"That's because-" Midorima tried to finish his sentence but he couldn't. He couldn't really remember ever doing anything wrong, so why did she react that way? "Maybe she was just frustrated." Midorima tried to defend her, but his answer didn't even seem logical to himself.

Kise shook his head, "Listen closely Midorimacchi. Kurosawa is a bad person. The way she acted earlier today is the way she acts with everyone except you, and she treats poor Takao-kun even worse.."

When Kise said that Midorima felt a little sting in his heart. "All the things she said to him, to make him back off of you. They hurt him a lot." Kise continued.

"Back off? Back off from what?" Midorima didn't get it, why would Kurosawa do that?

Kise looked at Momoi unsure of whether or not he should say it, but while he was thinking Aomine stepped in instead.

"Oh for fucks sake the dude likes you." Aomine exclaimed with annoyance. "It's so painfully obvious."

Midorima's face was heating up, fast. "W-What? That makes absolutely no sense why would he.. I mean.. me?"

"And it's so painfully obvious that you like him too Midorin." Momoi said with a soft giggle.

"What! Absolutely not! I, there's no way that.." He kept mumbling, but he was just a hot mess at this point. But then Midorima remembered the reason why he was calling Kurosawa last night, the reason why he was crying. I wanted to break up with her.. Midorima shot up and exclaimed, "I wanted to break up with her!"

He said it so loud all the people in the cafe turned to look at him, forcing him to sit back down in embarrassment. Kise and Momoi's faces lit up, "Then go tell her that!!" They both told him. Midorima nodded in response, surprisingly happy over something that should be so sad. "Wait but then what do I do?"

"Go find Takao!"

"Yeah yeah!" Midorima agreed, about to head for the door, but quickly stopping himself. "But what for?"

"Go tell him you love him dammit!" Aomine shouted at him, a frown on his face. Midorima's face started reddening again mumbling some nonsense and he made his way out the door.

Aomine sat back into his chair, letting out an angry sigh. "Aominecchi, what's wrong?" Kise started teasing him, poking his cheek with one of his fingers.

"They took such a detour it's so annoying." He mumbled grumpily. After frowning for a little while, Aomine reached out next to him and pulled Kise closer to him into a hug, burying his face into his neck. "If it had taken us this long I would've probably died.." he muttered.

Kise was taken a little by surprise, a goofy smile taking over his face, cheeks slightly flushed. "Aominecchi, surprise attacks like that aren't fair.." Kise murmured softly in reply.

"Aaaaaand that's my queue." Momoi said as he was leaving the table, Kise giving her a wink goodbye. "I just hope Midorin caught up to Kurosawa in time."

It didn't take long before Midorima caught up to Kurosawa; in fact, it took no time at all. When he exited the cafe he spotted her sitting by the corner. Kurosawa stood up as Midorima approached her and said "We need to talk."

-Author's Notes-

Happy MidoTaka daaaay~~~~~ I hurried to finish this for today. It's also Iwaizumi's birthday <3 Such a good holiday today :3

Anyway I hope you liked this chapter, I know I said things would go down, and they kinda did but i guess the other part is for next time hahaha 

Thanks as always for reading and liking and commenting it really makes my day hoho i love reading your guys' comments, especially the ones about hating Kurosawa they make me laugh a lot. I'll see you next time~~~

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