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A/N: As much as I love writing in Evelyn's POV, I feel like she's getting a bit boring and also I need to start bringing the other characters back into it so I decided to write a chapter in Mitchell's POV. Please comment and tell me what you think of this change and also could you please vote as well? Thank you (:

Mitchell's POV

I lay on the hard ground, my body aching from head to toe. Opening my eyes, I saw that I was in a dimly lit room that was painted a deep purple.

I could hear the creepy carnival music playing faintly over my head, making me feel uneasy. I had a banging feeling in my head and my heart was beating too fast for it's own good.

I couldn't think straight but I knew that I couldn't stay there forever, so with a groan, I lifted myself up into a sitting position.

My surroundings were blurry for a second, but when my eyes focused, I saw in more detail what the room looked liked.

The room was small, with a low ceiling. The floor was a dark grey rough carpet and there were two doors in the room; one to my left and one to my right. They were both completely black with no handles or anything.

I thought I could hear faint scratching coming from behind one of them but I brushed it off as being a bit drowsy after hitting my head.

The room had no furniture and was completely bare except for one strange thing right in front of me.

It looked like some sort of carnival game. There were two long planks of wood nailed to the wall and there was about five inches between the two of them. The wood had number written at the sides, starting at 10 and ending at 100. There was also a plastic arrow at the bottom of the pieces of wood. At the end of the planks of wood, on the floor were two big black buttons like things and in the middle of them was a wooden hammer. Written above this strange contraption was a sign that read "High Striker!". There were lights all around the sign but they didn't seem to be working.

I was just about to press one of the buttons on the floor when a thought popped into my head.

"Billie!" I shouted.

I couldn't believe that I had forgotten about her.

"Billie!" I shouted again, starting to frantically run around the small room, pain shooting up my legs.

"M-m-mitch" I heard from the corner of the room.

Looking over, I wasn't able to see anything since the light in the room was so dim.

"Billie?!" I cried, running over to the corner.

As I got closer, I could just about make out the shape of a person thrown on the floor like a doll. It was definitely Billie.

"Billie! Oh my god are you okay?" I cried, crouching down over her broken body.

I could see her body more clearly now and I really hated what I saw.

Her right leg was bent back in a way it shouldn't have been and her left shoulder looked like it had popped straight out of it's socket.

"It hurts.. Everything hurts!" she cried.

Seeing her in so much pain made my heart break into tiny little pieces. It should have been me lying there, not her. She didn't deserve it. I did though. I was the one that got everyone into this mess in the first place.

In that moment, I completely lost it and I let out what I had been holding in for a very long time.

Roaring, I ran to the door on the left of the room and started kicking it.

Carnival House [COMPLETED✔️2015]Where stories live. Discover now