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A/N: Last chapter!! Well last proper chapter anyway. Next chapter is going to be a bit different from the others. I've really enjoyed writing Carnival House over the last few months and I've already begun working on a new project :) Enjoy :)

I sat still in the chair while Bonesy began opening make-up products. The woman and Mr. Smiley stood in front of the door; probably in case of an attempted escape. This was going to make my plan more difficult but I knew I could do it.

The pain in my chest was growing worse by the second and I really didn't know what was causing it. I was starting to feel weaker now but I knew had to keep going if I wanted to free my friends spirits and also myself.

"Okay Mitchell please keep still while I put on your makeup!" said Bonesy. "I'm going to give you a very special job. You're going to be the.. ringmaster! That's the most important job! Aren't you happy?!" Bonesy then screamed.

I jumped and then exclaimed "Yes I'm really happy!"

Bonesy picked up a tube and started to squeeze the contents of it into his hands. A brown liquid came out of it. He then pressed his hands to my face and began to rub the substance in. His hands were freezing and I shuddered under his touch.

"Keep still" he hissed.

The smell of him made my stomach turn and I had to do everything in my power not to gag.

I almost gagged again when the smell of the make-up hit my nose. I looked at myself in the mirror and looked at my now very-tanned face. Beads of sweat were starting to form on my forehead and when they hit the make-up it started to melt.

"Oh no!" Bonesy whined in a child-like manner. "Oh it's okay, I'll go back over it when it happens." He then looked at Mr. Smiley and the woman who had evil glints in their eyes.

"What does he mean by it?" I thought to myself, my heart beating like crazy. I didn't want to stick around for "it" and decided it was time for my plan.

When Bonesy leaned over to get a new make-up product, I leapt up, grabbing the scissors. Not wasting any time, I stabbed Bonesy in the back. He fell backwards into the table, knocking the contents off it and smashing into the mirror. All the lights went out and we were left in the dim light that was coming through the half opened door.

Bonesy screamed out and then the woman and Mr. Smiley ran to me, trying to grab me but they missed by mere millimetres. I kicked the woman in the side, making her fall flat on her stomach. Mr. Smiley let out a loud shriek and tried to leap at me but I got the scissors and stabbed them into the right side of his face. He fell down as I pulled them back out. Bonesy had gotten back up now and was making his way towards me. I took this opportunity to get the scissors and stab them into his left eye. When I pulled the scissors back out, his eye came with it and he let out the most gut-wrenching scream I had ever heard.

"G-guys" I gasped, looking into the mirror. My vision was starting to blur but I could just about see my friends coming up the mirror.

"Oh my god Mitchell are you okay?!" Billie exclaimed.

"I-I g-got o-one eye" I said, holding my chest. "I-I'm sorry I couldn't get the other"

"It's okay man" Cody said softly. "You tried, that's the main thing."

"No it's n-not okay, I'm going to t-ry and g-get the other o-one"

Although I could barely see, I didn't hold back and launched myself onto Bonesy. I stabbed the scissors down and missed his other eye, hitting him in the ear. Unable to see properly, I kept hitting the scissors down at random places. As we rolled around on the floor, I was getting weaker and weaker and soon I could gave up and fell onto my back. Bonesy stood up and then proceeded to walk towards me, chuckling.

Carnival House [COMPLETED✔️2015]Where stories live. Discover now