Chapter 23: Zylen's POV.

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My eyes never knew their true purpose until they landed on her.

I should have stuck to the plan. It would have made things a whole lot easier. But there was something about her that made me lose my focus for a long time. It wasn't just her sheer beauty; it was also the way she carried herself in a way that set her apart from most people.

I fell in love with her. I fell in love with the girl I was suppose to deceive. And it worked.

Up until now.

Now she was held captive by people I knew, all because I let my heart make most of the decisions. I couldn't save her. Not now anyways. The damage has been done. There was no turning back. The best I could do was disappear. Go away far from here. So I don't have to look her in the eye and tell her that I ruined her life. Our friends lives. Her family's lives.

Being Abstract wasn't some kind of blessing. It isn't some miracle that happened to a few lucky people. People were chosen. They were primed from the moment they were born to 'discover' the power within themselves. It was a curse. I realised that now. All of them:Aura, Adam, Qaahir, Nabeela, Willow, Derek, Cole, Bella, Greg, Rehana and Jesse, were doomed to spend the rest of their life's as social experiments implemented by people who wanted to control the world.

I helped those people ruin my friends' lives. I couldn't bear to look at their faces now. Especially when I knew they were now kept hostage by those monsters. I was a coward. A fucking wimp.

I had to dissappear. It was for the best. They'll only suffer for a short time. If I stayed, I would only delay the inevitable. I had to leave.

As humans, we have this natural compulsion to base decisions on how we feel. Sometimes we made the right decisions. At other times, we found ourselves sinking in the fact that we couldnt control how we feel.

That's how Abstracts came to be. So that we could manipulate people to do what we wanted simply by tapping into their inner psyche and essentially controlling them. It was sick. It was inhumane. But I went along with it because it brought me the release I craved. I killed my ex-girlfriend. Plain and simple. I might not have known I was doing it at the time, but it was the truth.

I killed Nina. I couldn't deal with the fact that she didn't have feelings for me anymore and it ultimately ended in her demise. I could never forgive myself for what I did to her. And I would have to live with that guilt for the rest of my life.

I tried to clear my head as I boarded the plane. My hand shook as I stared down at my one way ticket to Canada. Even while in flight, my breathing became laboured with the thought of never seeing Aura again.

"It's for the best, Zylen." I kept muttering to myself.

Liar, a voice inside my head whispered. I ignored it. Just like I ignored the girl in a seat nearby, who kept smiling flirtatiously at me.

As the plane went further and further from home, I realised that I was drifting further and further away from everything that made me happy.

But she couldn't know my secret.

None of them could.

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