Chapter 25.

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Hi lovelies! I haven't updated in a while because of school and fasting and a bunch of other stuff. But I'm back now and I'll try and update as often as I can. Enjoy!

"What do you mean Zylen is your son?" I exclaimed. He couldn't be serious.

"You're not very bright, are you?" Malic laughed lightly. "Yes, Zylen is my son. Xael is my daughter and his sister. He obviously didn't tell you about his family because he's ashamed of us." He shrugged nonchalantly.

"Why are you doing this!" Autumn shouted. Qaahir had to physically restrain her before she throttled the smirking man.

"Ah, yes." Malic paced back and forth with ease. "Now that's the question. I'm doing this because I gave you your powers. In short, I practically created you. I am your God. I demand your obedience and respect. Any questions?"

"You are out of your freaking mind!" Cole hissed.

Malic gave him just a hint of a smile. "Maybe. But all the best people are. Now, here is what is going to happen: you shall chat amongst yourselves while Xael goes to look for Jesse, who seemed to have evaded my watchful eye. When he gets here, we shall further discuss what is required of you from you from this point onwards." With a dismissing hand, he strolled out of the room, leaving us fuming and confused.

"This cannot be happening." Willow shook her head in disbelief.

"This is like something out of a movie." Cole followed. We all nodded our heads in silent agreement.

"I'm hungry," Derek sighed.

"You're always hungry." Bella grumbled at him. Greg pulled her closer to him, drawing soothing circles on her arm. It was evident how much they loved each other. Their regular, rather gross, make out sessions were proof enough, but it was clear to eveyone how much they loved each other.


Zylen told me he loved me right before he bolted out of my life and let let his psycho father and sister kidnap me and our friends. I was so confused. Why did he lie? What exactly was going on? A million questions evaded my mind and none had answers.

"Aura?" Nabeela called, walking towards me. "Are you okay?"

I nodded numbly, not really paying attention to anything in particular. A deep sense of betrayal rooted in my chest. I couldn't believe there was so much about Zylen I never knew. He lied to us. He lied to me. The betrayal was soon overshadowed by the immense feeling of stupidity that washed over me. A year ago, the thought of me falling in love and having friends would have never even crossed my mind. Zylen fooled me. A small part of me always knew it was too good to be true. Zylen was the type of guy who could easily break anyone's heart.

I missed the days I felt nothing. It was easier then. I hadn't known of these stupid abilities. I was just empty Aura then.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Nabeela came closer, putting her arms around me. "It's gonna be okay."

I nodded, giving her arm a squeeze. "Thanks."

She smiled sadly. "I believed in him too, Aura. We all did. I think we should at least give him the benefit of the doubt right now." She drew comforting circles on my back. She was right. I couldn't just jump to my own assumptions. I would keep a small glimmer of hope that Zylen wasn't a bad person. That everything would work out.

"I can't believe Zylen would do this to us. I keep telling myself that this is a bad dream." Cole said.

Adams guilty gaze fleeted around the room. "I kind of already knew."

Silence descended upon us as we waited for him to explain himself. When he continued rubbing the back of this neck instead of speaking, Qaahir spoke up, rather agitated.

"What the hell, man? What do you mean you knew. Explain yourself."

"I heard Zylen speaking to someone on the phone a few months ago. He sounded nervous, uneasy." Adam elaborated.

"Was he speaking to his father?" Derek asked.

"I think so. He was speaking in another language. It sounded like Arabic or something. I never knew he spoke a language other than English."

"So how did you know what he was talking about?" Willow quipped.

"His tone was harsh and angry. He kept repeating our names. He finally shouted into the phone and slammed it."

"It's getting harder and harder to keep believing Zylen didn't betray us." Rehana sighed.

"I'm sorry, guys," Adam apologised, "I didn't want to say anything because I didn't know exactly what I heard. If I had just gone with my gut and investigated it furthur, we might not even be in this mess. Now I might never see Jace or my parents ever again." Tears pooled in his eyes and he harshly brushed them away before anyone could see. I saw. I wrapped my arms around him in a hug.

Derek and Cole came around and gave Adam a brotherly pat on the back.

"It's gonna be okay, man. We're gonna get out of here." Greg called out from the other side of the room. Bella nodded.

"I hope so, guys." Adam finally said. "I really hope so."

In that instance, the door creaked open, and in came Jesse followed by Malic and Xael. Jesse looked comically confused and I almost laughed at the expression he wore on his face.

"Could somebody tell me what the hell is going in here?" Jesse demanded.

"Don't you worry. I'll explain in a moment." Malic waved Jesse off like he was a paste-eating toddler.

"Okay," Jesse began for the door. "I'm not going to stand here while this nutcase and his equally nutty daughter wast--"

It happened so quick that I almost doubted it even happened. One moment Jesse is headed for the door, the next he is screaming in agony, gasping for air, while tightly clutching his stomach.

"What are you doing to him!" Willow screamed as we all kneeled around Jesse to try and ease his pain.

"Make it stop! Please make it stop!" Jesse pleaded, tears streaming down his face. He was in agony.

"Not until you apologise." Malic stated, his tone steely and even.

"I'M SORRY! JUST MAKE IT STOP!" He shrieked. His normal coffee skin was ashy as he tightly gripped Cole's shoulder.

"Alright. Since you've asked so nicely."Malic smiled. "You can get up now."

The pain ceased.

Jesse stood up slowly. He was terrified. We were all terrified. We stood there in shameful silence as Malic paced the room, assessing us with his cold, beady eyes.

"Now that I've shown you what happens when you disrespect me, I trust we shall move forward without any problems. Understood?"

No one moved.

Malic laughed at our obvious shaken state. "Good."

"What do you want from us?" I pleaded, asking him again.

"Ah. Good question," He stared us down. His eyes cold. Mouth lifted up into a hint of a smile although it looked more like a snarl. "Here is what you're going to do."


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