Chapter 1

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I wandered around the hallway lost and confused until I found it, room 204. I stumbled in and grabbed a seat in the back, looking around. I let out an irritated sigh, no friends. I searched the room for someone who I might even talk to when next to me I heard a loud crash. I turned to see a girl with messy brown hair falling out of a bun and an Adventure Time T-shirt on. It was obvious she didn't put in much of an effort for her first day. The messy girl had managed to trip on her own two feet and fall right into the chair next to me.

"Hey, guess I'll be sitting here! I'm Charlotte!" her voice sounded so child-like, I couldn't help but giggle.

"Hi, my name is Emma." I smiled at her the best I could. She opened her mouth to say something, when a creaky, hoarse voice came over the loudspeaker,

"Welcome to Belpre Junior High and High school, my name is Mrs. Egging and I'm the principle so feel free to come to me with any concerns you may have. Some of our teachers may be running late so please stay where you are, they will be here shortly Thank you and have a great day!"

I hadn't noticed that our room didn't have a teacher before now and based on the new chaos, I don't think the other kids did either. A girl jumped over the desk in front of me to get to her friend as she went she pushed another kid into my desk. He was very tall and lanky for a freshmen. Long dark hair covered his eyes and suddenly his face lit up with the goofiest grin I had ever seen.

"Wow, sorry about that!" His words were rushed as he chased after the girl. Charlotte watched after him with her big blue eyes watching his every move like her life depended on it. If we were going to be friends, I knew he was off limits to me.

I managed to make it through 4 classes without seeing a single person I knew. Charlotte didn't greet anyone either but she didn't seem to mind. She happily sat by me in every class, grabbing my schedule every once in awhile to double check we had the same classes.

I didn't see the boy again but I didn't mind. I was actually starting to really enjoy Charlotte's company. She talked about all the boys we saw, asking if I thought they were cute and every now and then she'd start saying something really deep and meaningful just to switch back to her usual happy attitude. I don't know why but something about that easy way made me feel good. In fact, most things Charlotte said or did made me feel good.

We were walking down the hall peacefully going to lunch, when she suddenly yanked me into the bathroom. She stared out at the hallway, not saying a word. As the charming boy from earlier walked by, she seemed to sigh.

There was something about the way he walked, like he knew people were watching. His arms barely moving at his sides, his pace at ease and slow. He seemed so calm and somehow superior to everyone around him.

After he walked by, she grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the bathroom. She quietly dragged me down the hall but right outside the lunch room i stopped her. Looking around to make sure we were all alone, I whispered harshly at her.

"What the hell was that!?" She looked at me with shame written all over her face.

"We used to be friends but now he's hanging out with the populars and he barely notices me. It makes me mad so I avoid him as best I can." Something in me felt relieved almost, knowing she didn't like him. I wasn't sure why but something about this boy made me want to get to know him.

"Ok, let's go eat" Charlotte's demeanor changed back into it's easy way. I followed her into the lunch room slowly, scanning for any friends. I couldn't see a single person I knew. While I was distracted Charlotte disappeared into the line.

Oh, great! Now I lost the only person I knew. Just as I was about to just go sit down and wait, a seemingly searching hand grabbed a fistful of my jacket and tugged me into the large crowd of kids at the front of the line. Charlotte peeked out from behind a larger kid and released my jacket.

"Why didn't you follow me?" She said, hitting my shoulder playfully.

"I didn't see you go up here! You're hard to follow." She seemed to take that as a compliment and turned back around to face the lunch door.

High school IdiotWhere stories live. Discover now