Chapter 2

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Charlotte and I stood awkwardly at the front of the cafeteria. We had gotten our lunches but we weren't sure where to sit. I thought that Charlotte would have just claimed the first table she saw and maybe she would have if they all weren't full. The boy strutted into the cafeteria in that cool way he did.

As he walked right up to us, Charlotte looked like she wanted nothing more than to disappear. He stopped right beside me and turned to Charlotte.

"So, Char, where are we sitting?"She stared ahead as if she were going to ignore him but she responded anyway."

"I don't know, you see any tables open?" her eyes searched the room, then she turned to me, "Where should we sit, Emma?"

The boy turned to me as if realizing my existence for the first time. He seemed to subtly look me over for a second.

"Hi, I'm Cole." He turned away from me before I could respond. Grabbing my hand he guided us to a table in the far corner.

As his hand touched mine I felt different. It was like that feeling of freedom I get when the winds rushing through my hair as I run, except better. It was sudden and wild and I never wanted it to stop, but then it did.

He dropped my hand like it had been nothing to him. Charlotte rushed over to us and sat down next to me, Cole on my other side. Charlotte and I talked about our classes and every now and then Cole would say something, but Charlotte would shoot him a look that would scare even the bravest man.

"So I think the math teacher is nice, but from what I hear that could change at any second." I nodded at her, I had heard she could turn harsh from some of the older kids.

"This place is not as bad as I thought." I mumbled, not meaning for anyone to hear.

"Were you really that scared to come?" Cole's mocking laugh filling the corner.

"Shut up! I'm sure you were scared too!" I smacked his shoulder so hard he stopped laughing.

"Hey! Look at that, you are capable of showing emotion!" Charlotte added, laughing as well.

"Oh really?! I had no idea!" My sarcasm making her laugh harder. Soon we had each other laughing and yelling so loud the rest of the lunch room turned to look at us. Their stares just made us laugh more.

It all ended abruptly when a thin blonde girl in a cheerleading uniform walked up to Cole. We all stopped and turned to her awkwardly. A different kind of smile forming on Cole's face.

"Hi Rachel" He reached his arm around and squeezed her butt, surprising both Charlotte and me.

"Hey!" She swatted his hand but a giant grin appeared on her face, "You coming with us outside?"

He turned around staring straight at me. His gaze lingered for a few seconds, it was so short I don't think anyone else noticed.

"Can't, I'm still eating lunch" The girl looked down at his plate seeing that all that was left was an apple she seemed a bit irritated but she shook it off and walked away.

"Tired of your own personal cheerleaders?" Charlotte's looked after the girl angrily.

"No, just trying to get some new recruits." He turned half his face toward her and blinked, "Wink!"

"What the hell was that supposed to be" I said chuckling in a sad attempt to lighten the mood.

"I can't actually wink so I just do that." He said, facing that goofy grin toward me.

"You're annoying! I'm going to go study, Emma, stay down here." Her voice was harsh as she walked away so I did as she said.

I didn't know how I could handle being alone with Cole, I turned looking around to see everyone had gone outside. We were really alone!

He moved closer to me placing his hand on my thigh. The second I felt his hand, my back straightened out. I wanted it to stay there but I knew I couldn't let him do that, people would think I was a slut. I grabbed his hand and threw it back at him. This just made him smile more.

"Come on, it's just you and me here. No one will mind." He smiled that same smile he gave the cheerleader and looked at me for a second. I didn't respond I just sat there thinking.

He was right and I loved how I felt when he touched me, so free, so excited. I made a promise that next time he touched me I wouldn't push his hand away. I mean what was the big deal? It was just my thigh.

"So what do you say?" He was so close to me now I couldn't move without touching him. He laid his hand on my thigh again.

"Ok." my voice was quiet and soft as I spoke. His smiled widened as his hand moved farther up my thigh. I wasn't sure at what point I should stop him. Would it be breaking my promise? While I was thinking I forgot about his hand, now rubbing my thigh.

"You ok?" he asked seeming puzzled by my quiet.

"Yeah, just," I paused not wanting to tell him that he makes me nervous, "tired."

"I can wake you up" His smile was so mischievous, I was afraid of what he would do. He quickly pulled down my shirt exposing my bra. I pushed him off and quickly pulled up my shirt before I could think.

"What the hell?!" He was so angry all the sudden, I didn't know what to do. I just sat there on the floor, trying to get my body to move, but it refused. He kept staring at me angrily and before I could stop myself I felt guilty.

"I'm sorry" my voice was so quiet and different. Like a small child in trouble for breaking a plate. He continued to stare at me now confused and angry.

"You just surprised me that's all..." my voice trailed off. His anger seemed to dull but he still didn't have a smile. I wanted him to have a smile, to not be upset with me. I felt like I would do anything for that.

"Whatever, my mistake, I thought you were ok with it." His tone was so harsh, it made me feel small.

"I did." No I didn't! Why did I say that! That's not what I want! "You really did just surprise me" NO! NO! You idiot!

"Oh..." his smile, that I have come to know as his perverted smile showed again and something about that made me feel okay, "Really?"

He wasn't doing anything till I definitely gave my permission and I couldn't back out now, could I? Did I want to back out? I moved toward him again, not letting myself have any more time to think.

"You want to go somewhere more private?" My voice sounded so confident and sure, a complete contrast to my thoughts. His smile widen as he nodded. I lead him to a small room I had spotted in the cafeteria, it looked like a storage room but it was empty. It was sort of dark in there.

We heard kids stampeding inside and to their classes. He frowned at me for a second waiting for the noise to stop.

"Guess we have to go to class." He sounded so upset about it and yet I was sort of relieved.

"Yeah, guess so" I hesitantly opened the door, faking sadness the best I could. I peeked my head out, no one was around. I started to head out the door, as I did he grabbed my butt and made me jump. He chuckled at my reaction and kept walking so I followed behind.

Right before we reached the exit to the hall he started to walk toward me. I backed up till my back was against the wall. He put his hands against the wall and all too quickly his lips were on mine. His tongue was in my mouth! and then he pulled away quickly, wiped his mouth, and walked out, leaving me totally shocked.

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