Chapter 7

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I managed to avoid the two idiots till lunch and Kayla didn't try to approach me again. Lunch brought hell, though.

Charlotte and I snuck our way to the front again and managed to make it through alive by some miracle. We got into the cafeteria and sat back down where we had yesterday.Charlotte and I hadn't got a chance to really get to know each other yet so we took this as an opportunity.

"Yeah, my dad raises me now, but my mom used to before she went to jail." Charlotte's happy demeanor that I loved so much seemed to disappear but I didn't mind. There was something even more beautiful and kind about the way she talked about her mom. It was so natural and real.

"Why is she in jail?" I looked her in the eyes, they seemed to sparkle.

"She was accused of holding a guy up at an atm but it wasn't her and she got caught with drugs." She emphasised the word accused, which made me giggle.

"How do you know she didn't do it?" I tried to restrain the doubt in my voice, but she was her mom so she wouldn't think the worst of her.

"The witness said the girl was blonde, my mom isn't blonde. Her ex-boyfriend was just trying to get her so he said it was her." Ok, that seemed like a pretty good reason why it wasn't her mom. Not to mention she's told me some of the stuff they did and I think her mom would tell her if it was her.

I opened my mouth to assure her that I thought she was right, when here come my three worst nightmares.

"Hey, thought I would sit with you guys again." Cole smiled at us before sitting down.

"And I couldn't let him go all alone." Kayla faked pity for him and sat down wrapping her arm around his, territorially.

"Hmmm, I was going to make a comment on your lack of friends but lucky you, I guess even freaks have other freaks to hang out with." Ian said in another attempt to get at me, but this time he was alone.

Oh, Delightful! Which problem to deal with first!? I kept my cool on the outside and swallowed before turning to Ian.

"Speaking of all alone, where's your boyfriend?" I tilted my head in a sarcastic way before putting on my warmest smile and turning to Kayla and Cole. I waved in the most friendly way I could manage and turned back to Ian.

"Trust me I'm straight," He winked at me and I wanted to hurl, "And that was Logan. See you later, shortie." He turned around and walked away before I could say something.

"What was that all about?" Cole looked at me confused.

"She has no idea." Charlotte spoke for me, making Kayla turn her attention away from Cole.

"Oh, hi, I'm Kayla." She gave her the fakest smile possible.

"I'm Charlotte." Charlotte smile was sincere, like everything about her.

Like yesterday Cole, Charlotte, and i laughed and talked like nothing had happened last night. Then again as far as Charlotte knew nothing had. Kayla only spoke rarely to steal away Cole's attention, which he quickly gave back to Charlotte and me.

"Oh, hey, By the way, Emma?" Kayla finally spoke to someone other than Cole and oh, yay! It was me!

"Yeah, What's up?" I took a bite of my food and looked up at her.

"You want to hang out after school today?" Kayla asked, she seemed like she actually wanted me to say yes, weird.

"Uh, yeah sure." I hesitated, then decided to drag Charlotte down with me, "Charlotte, you wanna come?" She shot me a look before turning to Kayla.

"I'm sorry but I have to go straight home. You guys have fun though." Now I was shooting her a look.

"Ok, I can't wait, Emma!" She seemed genuinely happy about hanging out , but Cole didn't. I had forgotten about his point of view of this. Did he think I would become her friend and tell her? Would I? I shook off my thoughts and continued eating.

After a few minutes of all four of us laughing and talking, with Cole a little withdrawn, Kayla got up.

"Well, I have to go to my next class early. See you after school!" She smiled at me and left. Did this mean she trusted me with Cole? That she thought we were friends? Oh, crap!

"We should go too don't want to upset the angry elf." Charlotte's voice pulled me out of my daze.

"Angry elf?" Cole asked causing me to come completely into reality.

"Our history teacher, he's a real jerk." I said before getting up with Charlotte.

"oh," He chuckled softly, "Have fun," he hesitated, "Like we did last night"

Charlotte laughed at my confused look. 

"Don't mind him, he is a bit perverted."  Oh, right of course, she thought he meant it as a joke and in a way I guess he did.

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