Chapter 8

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Kayla was standing in front of the school, looking for me. I figured if she wanted to be my friend so bad, I will treat her like one, but no matter what, I can't care about her.

I creeped up behind her and grabbed her shoulders. She jumped and turned around angrily, when she saw it was me a smile came across her face.

"Don't do that!" She laughed and shoved me causing me to laugh too. Charlotte walked by us giving me a confused look and I just waved at her.

"So, where are we going?" I smiled at Kayla.

"Oh, I don't know," she looked at me like that hadn't even occurred to her, "Where do you want to go?" I thought for a second. I know the perfect place.

"I live near here, let's go to my house." She shrugged at that, which I took as a why not so I grabbed her hand and pulled her toward my house. We were almost there when she finally spoke.

"You know you can let me go now?" I released her hand and laughed.

"Sorry, It's right there." I pointed to the average looking, brick house down the street. It had large bushes lining the porch and beautiful roses. It was obviously well kept.

"Pretty." Kayla said, which made me smile.

"Thanks, when my grandmother was alive she took care of it so now I do." I smiled nostalgically at it before I started running again.

"Hey wait up!" Kayla yelled after me as she chased me down the street I reached the front door and she slammed into my back, falling to the ground.

"Calm down, we're here." I giggled at her as I helped her up. She hit my arm and told me to shut up and open the door. I turned my key in the lock and opened the door revealing my barren living room, with just a tv in a stand in a corner, a large curving couch facing it, and my mom's messy computer set up right beside the door. Kayla plopped herself down on the couch and made herself comfortable.

"Ok, so let's see if we are going to be friends we have to get to know each other." Kayla said as I walked into the kitchen, "What are you doing anyway?"

"Just getting some snacks, so what do you want to know?" I yelled back at her as I grabbed some potato chips from the cabinet and two cans of Pepsi from the fridge.

"Ok, uh, well what's your full name?" Ew, I hadn't had to tell anyone my last name yet. I hated it.

"My full name is Emma Mae Cockerham, What's yours?" Please don't bring up the fact that I have cock in my name or ham. I crossed my fingers.

"ok, Cock-erham, My full name is Kayla Lillian Rosewood." Oh god even her name is perfect! No wonder Cole likes her so much.

"That's really pretty" I said, throwing a bag of chips at her and handing her a Pepsi. I sat down beside her opening my pop, "What else do you want to know?"

"Uh," She thought for a minute, "Favorite color?"

"Black" I smiled at her and pointed to my black shirt.

"Ugh, how basic." She rolled her eyes at me and I giggled again.

"Ok if mine's so bad then what's yours?" I said throwing a chip in my mouth.

"Aquamarine" She tried to look superior as she took a drink.

"Tryhard!" I yelled at her and she started laughing again. Everything seemed so natural with her. She was a completely different person when Cole wasn't around and I loved it! Which meant I was starting to care about her. Damn it! Then again, I don't think I'm going to do it again and I didn't know her when I did it. I thought, chalking it up to past indiscretions and leaving it at that.

For the rest of the afternoon, we laughed and talked, getting to know each other. Eventually her mom came to get her and my mom still wasn't home.

I checked the clock after she left. It was 6:30 P.m. Dinner time! I yelled upstairs. I heard some shifting and pounding above me, then my older sister appeared coming down the stairs.

"Hey, Emma, guess what?" I looked over at her and motioned for her to wash some dishes.

"What?" I smiled at her as I looked through the cabinets for something to fix.

"My new favorite anime is Free." I settled on mac & cheese.

"That's cool, What's it about?" She handed me a pan and I started filling it with water.

"A bunch of hot guys who swim." She smiled as she said that like she was so proud of herself.

"That's it?" my voice was doubtful. I set the pan on the stove and set it to high.

"Yep!" She laughed, handing me a plate to put on the counter.

"Hey, do you know where mom is?" I said, gathering the ingredients. We had a rhythm when it came to making dinner.

"Probably her boyfriend's," She spat out the word boyfriend like it was the most disgusting word in the english language, "Why?"

"I don't know morbid curiosity." I shrugged and began fixing dinner

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