A Favor

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"Vladlena." I whine as sweat drips down my forehead. "Nu putem lua o pauză?" I beg. (Can't we take a break?)

"Nu." She throws a punch to my abdomen but I block it. "Doar pentru ca esti datând frate, nu înseamnă că am de gând pentru a ușura în sus de formare." (No; Just because you're dating my brother, doesn't mean I'm going to ease up the training.)

I put my hands on my hips with a playful eyeroll.

"-am gândit că ar ușura pentru că ești prietenul meu ." I smile. (I just thought you would ease up because you're my friend.)

"Știi că nu așa am fost învățat cum să tren ." Vlad reminds as she catches her breath too. (You know that's not how I was taught to train.)

"Eu stiu." I sigh. "Putem lucra la lucru de aer?" I ask while making a flicking gesture with my hand. (I know; Can we work on the air thing?)

"Sigur." She nods. (Sure.)

Flashback Over
Few Weeks Later From Where We Left Off
Avengers Tower

"What are you doing in here?" I hear Tony come up behind me as I type away at the computer.

"Tracking someone." I bluntly state as I stop typing to scroll a bit.

"Who?" He questions.

"An old friend." I answer typing again.


"Because she's like family."

Tony sighs a bit. "Is this a situation like Steve and Bucky?"

"Hmm..." I tilt my head a bit thinking about it. "Kind of... she was Hydra but she escaped a couple years before me and Tiff got shipped off to Russia." I explain remembering the day before.


"Eu va iubesc baieti." Vlad whispers as she hugs her two younger siblings. (I love you guys.)

"Si noi te iubim." Wanda responds returning the family hug. (We love you too.)

"Dar de ce explozie bruscă de compasiune?" Pietro says the thought going through his and his sister's mind. (But why the sudden burst of compassion?)

"Ești frații mei mai mici și nu o spun destul." She doesn't tell the full truth as she pulls back from the hug. (You're my younger siblings and I don't say it enough.)

"Dar noi?" I playfully whine. (What about us?)

"Te-am tolera băieți." She smirks walking towards me and Tiffany. (I tolerate you guys.)

Tiffany starts fake crying. "Asta înseamnă foarte mult pentru noi." (That means so much to us.)

"Știu, știu." She waves us in for a hug. "Doar tăiate seva și adu-mi o îmbrățișare , vă fundul pălării." (I know, I know; Just cut the sap and give me a hug, you ass hats.)

We smile and obligate, wrapping our arms around her like it's the last time we'll see her.

"Îmbrățișare de grup!" Pietro shouts wrapping his arms around the three of us, Wanda soon joining after. (Group hug!)

"Ugh, am disprețuiesc îmbrățișări de grup ." Vlad groans. (Ugh, I despise group hugs.)

Flashback Over

I stop typing and smile at the memory.

"Tiff and I teamed up with her a couple times during SHIELD." I remember. "The undercover jobs though."

Stark Bleiben | Stay Strong | Tony Stark's Daughter | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now