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Right After Cleaning Up From Mission

"Father." I call as I walk into the lab.

"Daughter." Tony calls back as he plays with a huge orangish-yellow sphere looking hologram.

" Tony calls back as he plays with a huge orangish-yellow sphere looking hologram

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"What's this?" I question walking up to it, across from him.

"Who is this, and he is Jarvis." He corrects as he spins the hologram in a circle.

"Hello, Miss Stark." The AI greets, the hologram move as it speaks. "Are you alright? You seem a bit distressed."

"What gave it away?" I sigh and cross my arms over my chest.

"Your voice is a bit more quiet and serious than it usually is and I detect your eyes are bloodshot." He explains causing Tony squint his eyes trying to get a good look at mine. "And since you were fine when you left for the mission, I suspect something went wrong."

"Oh, Jarvis." I let out a deep breath while walking over to one of the stools nearby and sitting on it. "You can read me like an open book."

"It's in my coding." He counters making me chuckle slightly.

"What happened on the mission?" Tony questions as his hands surround the glowing ball of orangish-yellow, crushing it making it disappear. "Did you guys not get Peter?"

"No, we got Peter." I shake my head. "We also dropped Wade off at his place and found a friend I've been tracking for awhile and brought her back."

"Then what's up?"

"Uhh..." My voice breaks a bit and I hang my head. "Its...uh... My mom is alive." I look back up at him.

"Veronica, I'm so sorry." He says softly taking a step forward to hug me and I let him.

"And that's not the worst part." I sadly chuckle into his chest.

"What's the worst part?" He questions, resting his chin on top of my head.

"She's the leader of Hydra." I deadpan.

Few Minutes Later

"Am I intruding on anything?" Bruce questions as he walks into the lab noticing that me and Tony are still hugging.

"No." I say as we release the hug. "I was just leaving." I stand up from the stool and wipe the tears that I didn't realize that were there.

"No, I can leave." Bruce quickly replies. "I just--"

"No, no, it's fine." I wave him off. "You guys can get back to whatever you were doing, I'll just go."

"Are you sure?" Tony questions.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I nod at him and (normal) speed walk to the elevator.

Once I leave, Tony turns to Bruce and gives him a really look.

"Bro." He scolds.

"I'm sorry!" Bruce puts his hands up in defense. "I offered to leave."

Living Room

"So, where am I going to sleep tonight?" I hear Vlad question from her spot at the bar counter with a cup of coffee as I walk into the team living room.

"You can share a bed with either me or Pietro." Wanda offers.

"What about for the long run?" Natasha pipes up while I walk up next to Pietro, he greets me with a smile as he wraps an arm around my waist.

"Long run?" She questions.

"Well, where else is she going to go?" Nat scoffs. "Most of us have seen you fight and you would be a great asset to the team..." Her voice kind of fades off in my head as I zone out, thinking about stuff.

"Hey." Pietro whispers snapping me out of my trance.

"Mhmm?" I hum in acknowledgment.

"You okay?" He questions noticing my slightly bloodshot eyes.

"Yeah." I turn my head so I'm looking at him. "But...uh... can you stay with me tonight?"

"Of course, dragoste." He nods and kisses my forehead. "Um... guys."

"What?" Wanda questions.

"Vlad can take my room tonight." He answers.

"Where would you be stay-OHHH!" Vlad smacks her own head. "Duh, Vern's room."

"Vern's room?" Natasha quirks up an eyebrow.

"Yeah." I nod. "My room."

"Your room." She smirks.

"Not like that." I roll my eyes at her.

"I wish like that." Pietro mumbles, I swing my arm into his gut making him groan slightly. "But I respect her and her wishes."

I smile and nod.

My Room

"Is it okay if I sleep in my boxers?" Pietro questions as we get ready for bed.

"I don't care." I shrug as I take out my contacts, putting them in the container thing after I put my hair up in a ponytail. "As long as you don't try anything."

"I should be telling you that." He counters, taking off his sweats and getting under the covers. "I'm more exposed than you are."

"But I'm a lady." I turn around and walk towards my bed. "I don't do those things."

"Oh, I heard what happened in Canada, you do do those things." He smirks.

"Shut up." I murmur, getting under the covers.

"I guess." Pietro fakes a sigh. "How are you feeling?"

I let out a deep breath as I move so we're facing each other. "I don't know... Confused, angry, surprised, overall sad."

"Don't be sad, dragoste." He puts a hand on my cheek.

"How can I not be sad?" I question. "She's the leader of the organization that did all this horrible stuff to people. This is the organization who tried to take over the world back in 1945. This is the organization that made an innocent man into a killing machine. The organization who took young children and turned them into killing machines. The organization that infiltrated SHIELD and took them down. The organization who is still standing after 70 years." I cry.

"My mother, the woman who birthed me and 'loved' me, is the leader of that." I point out. "I thought she was dead and she comes back as the leader of that. That is the place I've been wanting dead since I escaped that hell hole." I admit. "I just want to take them down, and I will." I say. "I promise I will."

Stark Bleiben | Stay Strong | Tony Stark's Daughter | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now