The Dream

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The dream was always the same. He looked around, confused by what he saw. Everyone was running, screaming as though they were silent from the loud sirens blaring loudly as they ran past him. They used to not see him for the few months he has been having the dream, but it has been different for the past month. They tugged on him to run, but he didn't see no danger. Not seeing a point in wasting his energy before suddenly he saw what was coming up the street. A black darkness and smoke slowly spreading toward them, degrading and tearing apart the buildings it touched. He felt no fear once he sqe it and each time he felt like he should go toward it, but this time he did.

He took a step towards it and it stopped at leat ten yards in front of him before he looked around to see the last of the people run into the church, the door closing behind them. It had never been that close. He looked back to the smoke to only jump back as it was a few feet in front of him, but as scary as that was it was oddly entrancing. The smoke and darkness moved in beautiful designs and he wanted to touch it yet he felt like he would lose himself if he did. Suddenly, a small child like hand went through the smoke and beckoned him closer.

It was a dilemna as he didn't know whether to take it or not. He shook his head after a moment, thinking of everything he could lose. Bad choice. The hand shot away and it went toward him, faster than before. He ran away as fast as he could, but it wasn't fast enough and he was soon engulfed by the darkness, letting out a silent scream as the smoky town went black and a childlike, dark figure came toward him.

"Come... I need you..."

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