The Sirens

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Noah and Logan had been walking for a good ten minutes, Logan just starting his complaining when they came to the town called Silent Hill, or which they assumed in the fog that had appeared in the past few minutes. Noah looked around, seeing another sign that said Silent Hill Flea Market so he nodded to Logan, pointing.

"Well, we're here... Where would we go now...?" Logan asked, making Noah stop as he hadn't thought that far ahead.

"I have no idea..." He says, running a hand through his hair before noticing that a diner was open. "Actually..."

Logan looked to the diner and looked shocked for a second before looking to Noah.

"You want to rob the place?" Logan says incredibly, Noah looking at him as though he was the stupidest person alive and shook his head. 

"No! I meant asking them if they've seen my mom!" Noah says, groaning in frustration at his friend's stupidity.

"How was I supposed to know?!" Logan asks, shrugging causing Noah to sigh.

"When would I ever say for us to rob a diner?" Noah asked, looking at him at a logical point and Logan shrugged.

"I have no idea, but I like the looking for your mom idea better! Let's go!" Logan says, darting toward the diner before having Noah follow quickly so he didn't get in trouble.

The diner was sparse except for a cop and a waitress, no one else to be seen, Logan chatting up the waitress like they were old friends.

"By the way, that's Noah. My bud, my wingman per say. He's looking for his mom... Hey! Noah! Come show her a picture!" Noah became shy and decided that since Logan wanted to do the talking, he would let him as he showed her a picture of his mom and him he took just a few days before. The waitress looked, shaking her head after a minute.

"I've never seen her before... But you should ask Officer Franklin over there... He would be able to help. Name's Theresa by the way, Noah." Theresa says, shaking Noah's hand before pointing to Frank who was getting up.

"Hey Officer Franklin. Could you possibly help us with something?" Logan asks, Franklin nodding.

"Of course, what do you need?" Logan takes the phone, showing the officer before the officer shook his head, but only after hesitating.

"Can't help you. Sorry." He says, before quickly walking out the door. 

"That was weird, right Theresa?" Logan says, both of them turning to her when she didn't answer only to have her not be there and the door to jingle open then closed, she having left.

"I don't like this..." Noah says before suddenly loud sirens started to sound, both of them looking to each other when they saw people running past the diner up the street. Just like in Noah's dream. "Logan..." 

"Yeah?" Logan asks, sounding scared slightly as he held his ears, hating loud noises.


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