Meeting Up

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Noah carefully drove to Logan's house and parked in his driveway. There was cars parked all up and down the street but everyone knew that was his and Logan's spot after the people who parked there got kicked from that party. He only brought in his study guide and notes along with his phone, locking the car from the front door before just walking in. Everyone was laughing and having a good time, almost all of them saying hi to him as he searched for his friend.

"Yo! My man!" Logan cheers. as he walks up to Noah and gives him a high five. Noah smiles and gestures toward the table where they could study and Logan gave him a thumbs up. They both went to the table then started to study but, every few minutes Logan's mind would wander off and he would have to start again.

"C'mon.. You have to focus if you want to pass this test." Noah says, sighing and Logan waved him off.

"You need to RELAX! I already studied! I just wanted you to come here and have some fun..." Logan says, flashing a smile and Noah couldn't believe he fell for one of his tricks but he smiled softly as he knew his friend was only thinking of him.

"Fine... But no trying to get me hooked up with those preachy girls again..." Noah says.

"I know I know... Mr. Lover over here likes guys." It was no secret that Noah liked guys, the correct term for his preferences was Bisexual, which meant he liked any gender, but he prefered guys.

"Bisexual." Noah corrected, getting up and started to head to the dance floor with Logan.

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