The Note

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It was an hour later at about 5 and it was still dark out, but Noah was very relaxed and happy, dancing with a skill only few knew about but by noon everyone would know by video that one girl was taping. He stopped after a certain song, heading to get a drink in the kitchen. Noah had gotten to the fridge and had just touched the water he was looking for when he heard the kitchen door shut.

He froze before relaxing just as quick, standing up straight with his eyes away from the door and he pretended to be struggling to open his bottle but he was actually getting closer to the knife laying on the counter. Noah heard soft footsteps behind him and he suddenly grabbed the knife and swerved around, pointing it at the person. All he saw was a blur before he was pushed against the counter, his head banging against the cabinet hard enough to cause him to see stars and the knife went skidding across the room. Noah slumped to the floor, groaning as he held his head before looking up to not see anybody.

"What the..?" Noah slowly got up only to see there was a note addressed to him, folded up neatly on the ground. He picked it up before standing there for a good ten minutes deciding whether to open it before deciding to. He opened it to only see in red letters were the words were 'Return to Silent Hill'. Noah immediately started to laugh, knowing it had to be some weird joke as he had never heard of the place nor should he have to return to as he had never been there in the first place and also to how silly he was for being nervous to open it.

"Whatcha laughin' at?" Noah looked to see Logan with a cowboy hat on and boots, which was his Halloween costume the earlier year. Noah smiled at him and gestured to the note.

"Someone at this party gave me a scare before leaving this petty prank." Noah says, laughing softly and Logan's eyes went to the knife, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm guessing you panicked as you always do?" Logan asked and Noah nodded at the question, smiling sheepishly. Logan laughed before putting the knife up and snatching the note away, looking at it and laughing after a second. "Man... What or where the hell is Silent Hill?"

"I have no idea... But I should be heading home." Noah says, looking at the clock and heading out of the kitchen to get his stuff only to have Logan stop him.

"Why don't I drive you home? It's dark out and I worry with your sucky eyesight." Logan says, taking off his cowboy hat and putting it on the coffee table. Noah smiled and chuckled, nodding before cleaning off his glasses as they had suddenly fogged up.

"Sure, lead the way." Noah says, smiling before he was led out of the kitchen.

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