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Noah woke up flailing, his whole body covered in a cold sweat and his sheets twisted around him making it seem that they had been trying to consume him. He calmed down quickly, looking around only to see nothing out of the ordinary as far as he could see in his moonlit room. After he was sure that he was safe from his nightmare, he laid his head back down and let out a soft breath, his cat meowing as he had knocked her off when he woke up in a panic. He glanced at the clock to see it was almost two in the morning when he shivered when a cold breeze wafted over him, looking toward the window to see that it was open.

This unnerved him but he waved it off yet he still got up, closed it, before heading back to the bed. He flopped down and everything was silent for a few minutes before there was a sound, as though the window was being opened. Noah turned quickly and saw the window was open once more, this time maybe an inch more than last time. His cat suddenly darted into the closet, unnerving him as a crawly feeling ran up his back as he stared at the window. He once again closed it but not even before he got back to his bed, the same window creaking was heard and he swerved quickly to look at the window, the window open even more than the last time.

"The heck?" Gabriel says finally stalking to the window and closing it before pulling the stubborn lock closed. He took a step back from it and sighed, paranoia and alarm bells ringing in his head but he shrugged off the window opening as the wind as the window was light. He went to the closet to retrieve his cat so he could sleep only to hear the window creaking dangerously and he turned only to have it to stop suddenly. He was staring at it as if daring it to do it again, feeling everything else go away as he was feeling scared.


Noah almost peed himself at the sound of his phone ringing and he stared at it in terror before letting out a nervous laugh at how stupid he must have seemed if anyone had been there with him. He quickly reached over and looked to see who was calling him, finding it was his friend (More like best friend), Logan. He pushed the answer button before picking up his cat from the closet.

"Hello?" Gabriel says, hearing music from the other end.

"Hey man! What is up?!" It was his best friend, Logan. Logan was known for going to parties and just having fun, though he always managed to keep his grades up somehow so his folks wouldn't ground him from having parties while they were away.

"Nothing, just... Going Crazy..." Noah says, staring at the window when he heard excited yelling from the other end.

"Well, it is CRAZY here! Why are you not here, dude?! This party is amazing! Chicks and everything!" Noah sighed, having explained his reasoning to his friend many times hours ago.

"You know why... I'm not a party animal like you, Logan..." Noah says, smiling softly before turning away from what he now believed to be haunted window.

"But you could be!! All you need is some practice!" Logan says, a smile practically heard over the phone and Noah sighed once more.

"I gotta get some sleep, Logan... You do know we have a test in first hour on Monday correct?" There was some cursing on the other end and Noah wondered how Logan was getting by in Science.

"Hey! I have a great idea! You're smart! Come down and tutor me!" Noah sighed again but he did feel a longing to be with his friend after the weird window incident. After some arguing with himself he finally gave in with some coaching from his friend and a random person at the party.

"Fine... But you owe me one." Noah says, hanging up after a goodbye and he looked to see it was almost two thirty and he looked to his closet to get ready.

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