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"I like it when I don't have to drive." Noah suddenly said, causing Logan to lift an eyebrow at him. They had cleared out Logan's house of people, everyone helping to pick up before they left which caused cleanup to go a lot faster than a normal party.

"You don't like the responsibility?" Logan questioned, Noah shaking his head before looking out the window once more.

"I like how I can relax, enjoy the ride and see the beauty passing us by..." Noah says.

"That rhymed." Logan said, chuckling.

"Quiet." Noah said, thinking he had said something beautiful only to have his friend ruin it.

"Oh come on... I was just kidding around.... Don't be mad about it." Logan says, pulling up in the driveway and Noah frowned when he saw that all the lights were off.

"Hey... Doesn't your mom keep at least the porch light on for you?" Logan asks, Noah nodding before remembering what happened before with the window. "Hey... What's on your mind, dude?"

Noah told him what happened and Logan immediately jumped to attention.

"You mean... Something that scary happened to you and you didn't tell anyone?! What if it was a murderer who was trying to kill you! What if he would have killed you on your way to your car?! Man... I thought you told your mom and me everything..." Logan said, looking at the door before the both jumped when the door suddenly opened, but no one came outside. They stared at it before Logan shrugged and reached to open the car door.

"What are you doing?!" Noah says, grabbing his arm before he could leave.

"What? We are never going to find out what's up without seeing what's inside." Logan says, Noah hesitating. "Come on... If it makes you feel ANY better.. You can keep the phone dialed to 911." 

"... Fine, but I don't want to go in first... If we go in, you get killed first so I have time to run away." Noah says, causing Logan to chuckle.

"Alright, dark one..." Logan says, getting out of the car and Noah followed slowly. They both went up to the door before Logan stopped them. He picked up a stick, motioned for Noah to be quiet before suddenly tracing the doorway with it then threw it inside. Noah just gave him a look and sighed.

"What was that for?" Noah whispered, slightly irked they wasted a whole minute.

"I saw it in a movie once." Logan said quietly, smiling cheekily. Noah couldn't help but smile before motioning for Logan to go on ahead. Logan went inside, Noah right behind him and he  couldn't believe how much of a mess the house was, looking like there had been a fight between gremlins. "Oh my god..."

Noah quickly went to where Logan was after having gotten distracted, and he gaped at what he saw was in the living room. It was completely trashed and on the wall in red dripping writing was 'Come to Silent Hill'. He quickly turned around, running around the house looking for his mom and Logan quickly did the same once he figured out what he was doing.

"I can't find her!" Noah yelled, coming back to the living room, panting as Logan came back. "My god... What if something happened to her? We should call the police or something or... I don't know!"

"Dude... Calm down... Maybe we can just go get her ourselves?" Logan offered, Noah staring at him like he was crazy.

"Why not call the police?"

"This seems like a classic horror movie cliche... I think if we call the police you'll just be taken and then I'LL have to find you and then you won't be the main protagonist anymore." Logan said, shrugging.

"Or... We could be dealing with highly trained killers who could come back at any minute and I want to be better than those people in the movies! I don't want to go through that angst! And I have school Monday along with you!" Noah yelled. He was on the verge of a panic attack and he started pacing, causing Logan to sigh.

"Calm down... Let's look up this silent hill and then we can worry about what to do..." Logan says, Noah stopping and looking at the note before nodding.

"Fine..." Noah says, Logan leaving him to grab Noah's laptop from his room and Noah sat down on the only chair that was left, thinking over the weirdness that had happened that day. He glanced at the calendar before staring at it, especially the date the next day. It was his birthday in just one day.

"Hey, you ok?" Logan asked, walking in the room and looking to where he was looking and then put on a knowing face. He sat down next to Noah, giving him an awkward hug. "It's ok, bro... We'll find her..."

"D-Did you find Silent Hill?" Noah asked after a minute, pulling away.

"Oh yeah... You won't believe what I found..." Logan says, grabbing the laptop from the table and showing Noah. "Apparently, people who have gone there have been disappearing for years. It is a town where barely anyone lives there anymore because because of a fire in a mine below the town. It's actually only like... A couple hours drive from here." Noah read the article while Logan spoke. "What do you want us to do?"

"First off... We need to go to this Silent Hill." Noah says, nodding firmly and Logan smiled.

"What made you change your mind?"

"The fact that I know my mom would immediately run to me... Not call the police and wait for me to get injured or die. Let's go." Noah says, nodding fiercely.

"We should probably pack the essentials in case it takes a day or two." Logan says, Noah nodded and they started to search around the house for what they needed. After two slightly full backpacks of clothes, food, medical stuff, and cash, they headed off with Noah only having his mom's safety on his mind.

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