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"Highway to hell!" Logan sang, Noah laughing as his friend made weird faces.

"Come on! We are almost there!" Noah says, smiling as Logan stopped only to frown as it suddenly got foggy the moment they got up a certain hill. He gasped as the car suddenly sputtered and shook, barely pulling to the side of the road before it died suddenly. Logan looked at the car before to Noah.

"Well... That was unexpected..." Logan said, looking at Noah in shock. Noah nodded before unbuckling and and reaching to the back seat to grab the bags. "What are you doing?"

"Well... I'm not stopping now... You going to follow?" Noah asked, handing  a bag before getting out of the car. Logan nodded, getting out with him. They started walking, talking with each other and soon they were laughing once more at Logan's funny voices until they got to the Silent Hill sign that was beside the road that led to the town.

"It's so foggy.... Wow... Give me a knife. I am going to cut it!" Logan says, laughing as he looks around.

"Very funny..." Noah says, chuckling before they continued, but not before Logan gave the sign a high five.

"For good luck." Logan said after Noah questioned it, shrugging. They finally headed into the town, not noticing the fog thickening behind them, the road seemingly disappearing as they chatted about almost nothing at all, both trying to hide their nervousness.

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