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Noah got ready and dressed, fixing himself up before putting on a belt that was tricky to get off (it was because of an incident last time he went to a party with a girl he had no interest in). By the time he was done and felt ready it was 3:20 and he was just about to walk out of the house with his school stuff and some personal items when he heard a throat clearing behind him and he froze.

"Where do you think you are going?" Noah sighed, looking behind him to see his mom, who looked much different than him. She had different hair than him, his being a natural black hair that flowed over his brown/reddish eyes while hers was brown that went past her shoulders that parted to show her grey, blue eyes. He was pale while she was a light tan even though he went out more than she did. 

"I'm going out to help Logan with a test." Noah says, her mom's lips pursing and he sighed once more. As a single mom with a man who left her the night he was conceived after a party, she didn't trust Logan who was a partier himself.

"Will you be at his house?" She asks. "Because according to his Facebook his parents are gone for a week and there is a party going on right now."

"Mom. You know me. I am just going there to study for the test Monday with Logan. I will not drink or do drugs. I God Promise." Noah says holding up his hand palm up to her. It was a thing between them as his mom worked as a religion teacher at a large college thirty minutes away and she made him do that every time she wanted to be sure of something and he has never broken one as a religious person himself.

"... Fine... God Promise." She says, putting her hand on top of his and he smiled. Noah said goodbye, gave her a kiss, before heading out to his car. He had no nervousness about his promise as Logan made it very clear there was to be no alcohol or drugs at any party of his and he was focused on the road that he did not notice that all the lights went out at once at his house behind him as he drove away.

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