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Adison's POV:

I have to admit, all this time being kept away from a phone, or a mere way of communication, made it weird clicking the green answer button and hearing someone else's voice. The emotions flying around couldn't be more confusing, for I'm stuck in a place of heart break, betrayal, and adrenaline. Never in my life have I felt so dangerous, nor alive, I feel as if I have the world in the palm of my hand, and my job is to make fate work in my favor.

"Adison?" The weak, out of breath voice I hear is all too familiar, making my stomach do flips out of pure mortification at the woman I hear speaking to me.

Why would Maddie be calling me? Especially after all she has known, and done with Shawn behind my back, how would she even have the audacity? A million questions swarming through my brain, the most curious one is why her number didn't pop up as a contact.

"Wh-why?" the whimpering in my voice makes me sound as weak as a puppy, sitting at someone's door begging to come in, and I guess you could say in some sense that isn't too far off from what I'm currently feeling.

"I can't imagine how confusing this must be for you, or how angry you must be.." Call me crazy, but from the sound of it, Madeline also sounds upset, most likely knowing what she's doing is not only going to ruin everything she has with Shawn, but for me as well.

"Why are you calling me?" I cry out, not even attempting to try and hold myself together, remembering how the last attempt failed so miserably. You would think the cheating, the neglect, and abuse was enough, but now he's having her call me.

"He's drunk," Her words leave too quickly from her mouth, causing me to be concerned in the slightest, curious of what he has done now, "a-and also sleeping."

World War 3 is erupting from inside me, I want no part in her scheme, or game she's trying to play to trick me, I don't want to know why she sounds like someone has broken into her house and is looking for her. Then again, if I don't figure out why, fate will never work in my favor, and I can't afford that, not now at least.

"What's wrong?" My tone matches her concern, mine tinted with sadness, and I cringe as the words leave my mouth.

Should I even care?

"You know everything right?" heavy breathing is coming from her end, almost as if she's having some sort of panic attack, "and if you don't, there's no time to explain. I uh-," brief static noises cut her off, leaving me to patiently wait to see what she has to say.

"What?" a new octave of my voice is reached with the crack in it. Who knew crying could do so much?

"I'm using a phone he doesn't know about, one I use if I want a hook up with booze from people I know but I need you to listen to me carefully."

Anger slowly fades from my attitude hearing how serious she is, and scared Maddie comes across.

"I'm listening," I whisper, playing with my fingers in my lap, not exactly mentally or emotionally prepared with what she might have to say.

"I heard," I hear her sniffle, and instantly my body stiffens, every muscle tensing, "the screaming, everything Adison. Honestly, he has scared me since forever, there always being a deep anger I never quite understood, but now is not the time to hate me, even though you have every right too." Everything leaving her lips sounds so sincere and so desperate I can't help but to push everything I am feeling aside.

"I'm sorry," I choke out, "I'm still confused."

A few subtle sounds are made which puts me under the impression that she's driving, and my thoughts drop when I piece together that she's coming to me.

"After hearing what I did," Madeline takes a moment for hesitation, "No matter how much I despised you in the past, I needed to do something and call me crazy for thinking so. Forgive me but I got him drunk in my car, his subtle whiskey was spiked with something a little more pungent than my alcohol, and I saw him being passed out on my floor as an opportunity to come and get you." Finishing her long speech she takes a breath of relief, finally getting all that off her chest.

My heart on the other hand, is practically beating out of my chest when I realize she is my opportunity for escape, and for freedom. The woman whom I'm supposed to hate most, Is going to save me, get me out of a situation that seemed to have no door to the outside.

Not even fully registering what took place, I tell her that I'll be getting ready, and I stumble my way to my room, packing everything in sight.

No more suffering, I think to myself, crying tears of happiness, and fear all at the same time.

In the midst of running, my heart racing, every body part on fire from the physical beating, pain dripping off me like a wall covered in wet paint, I black out, a picture of Shawn and I hanging on our bed room wall being the last thing I see before the familiar blackness takes over.

_____________________________________________________________________________________~On a scale of 1-10 how surprised are you?


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