1: Hopes, Dreams, and Plans over the next 365 days, with a Picture of you.

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Day 1: Hopes, Dreams, and Plans over the next 365 days with a picture of you.


Plans for Real Life:
- Pass my classes
- Read the two vet books I have.
- Gain Peanut's trust (he's skiddish.)
- Be noticed.
- Watch the Resident Evil movies.

Plans for Wattpad:
- Finish XY Episode book.
- Get 1K followers before peacelovecats
- Finish my National Holiday book.
- Finish this book.
- Finish every other book I haven't mentioned.

So yeah. That's what I look like. Was not expecting the flash.

LOOK AT THAT BADASS COVER MADE BY jakepatt   See you in the next part!

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