170. What makes you nervous?

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170. What makes you nervous?

Mainly two things:

1. Talking in front of people. (I purposely failed a Spanish final semester assessment 'cause I would have had to speak in front of people.)

2. When I need help and have to ask for it where I don't feel welcome.

Allow me to explain #2.

So next year, I will be a junior and I'm gonna try for New Market. At my high school, depending on the first letter of your last name, you can have a certain counselor. I DO NOT really want to go to the Counseling Center and ask the lady there if I can speak to my counselor. It's too fcking embarrassing and my hands will be sweating due to my nervousness.

Not only that, I feel stupid when I do it as well because I have no idea where to go (other than the Counseling Center) and I'll be standing around like a total moron.

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