216 - 224

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216. How do you deal with isolation and loneliness?

I've been alone all my life so I just either read books, play Pokemon Red, or make more parts to my stories.

217. Do you think it is possible for a human to be alone forever?

Yes. I know someone who most likely will if she/he keeps up with their attitude. Besides, it's a choice, not no destiny crap.

218. In what way are you your own worst enemy?

Sometimes I don't think logically about something so I am very excited about something then the logicalness kicks in and I'm no longer happy.

219. Describe the last dream you had.

I would rather not. It's not the happiest dream.

220. Are you easily influenced by the people around you?

No, not really. Everyone just wants to goof off and make sexist jokes and racial slurs.

221. Do you influence people around you?

Yeah like one person. Me and him always compete in Geometry. But, other people are like "how did you get that high of a score! I'm so fcking stupid!" To which I reply "you're so fcking stupid because you goof off in the middle of class and are on your phones."

I get on my phone but that's because I understand the lesson and like to do hw at home since that's where my textbook is. I have no room for it in my "backpack".

222. Who was the last person you said "I love you" to? Did you mean it?

Baylee and yes, I actually did fucking mean it but she still didn't changer her ways so....the reason I'm not saying my mom is because we say that to her everyday and that is just platonic love, like with friends.

223. Is it possible to always be genuine and kind? When do you have to be mean to other people?

No. I only have to be mean if they're accusing me of cheating, doing drugs, or some other sht like that.

224. When was the last time you were honest with someone?

Telling someone that I might kill a guy if I found out he cheated on the test.
I'll explain in my book of updates.

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