36. What Do You Think Of Your Friends?

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36. What do you think of your friends?


blubell14 - She is an amazing person because she has read EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY STORIES. She also deserves a follow. (SO FOLLOW HER YOU MEDIOCRE WRITERS. LOL)

xxTheGamingWolfxx  He is an amazing guy because he writes really good stories. (Still waiting for that next chapter on Pokemon Journey.)

jakepatt  An amazing cover maker. He seems really nice and his Useless Facts book is quite useless. (See what I did there? No? Pfft. Whatevs.)

peacelovecats  She is always positive and isn't afraid to voice her opinion.

ForestGuard13  He has an amazing book called Flames of the Abyss and I keep forgetting to add it to my library when I have WiFi. (SORRY BRO.)

Sorry people if this isn't good. I just don't know much about any of you. EX: Fave color, pizza, candy, etc.

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