Meeting the Main Five

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*Thanks to a friend, here is chapter two :3 This is were we meet the rest of the characters that work at the hospital. I try to put them in jobs that fit their personality. However, there is one character that is in a job that is most unlikely. So forgive me for that. Other than that, enjoy the second chapter ;3*

     "It's wonderful to meet you! Luna's told me so many great things about you she has. Your a lucky person to have her as a friend. I know I am!" said Mey-rin all excited and cheerful.

      "Yeah, I'm pretty lucky to have met her. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be working here," he said with a big smile.

      "Oh, that's right. Luna heard about us being short handed and told the boss about you. Your lucky that the boss hired you, Grell. When Luna told her about how hard you've been studying and your knowledge in medical science, she just had to hire you!"

      "Well, the reason I studied so hard was because I've always wanted to be a nurse when I was younger. Ice studied day and night none stop. Luna's helped me out with things I didn't understand or know. She was a big help and I thank her for that," he said with a shy smile.

      "There's no need to thank me. I wanted to help. Friends have to be there for each other, so I was happy to be there for you," Luna smiled.

      "It's true. Luna's been a big help around the place. She's helped out everyone a lot, the whole year she's worked here." added Mey-rin.

      "Oh! That reminds me! Grell, you have to meet the others of the 'Main Five'," Luna jumped, almost forgetting something very important.

      "The 'Main Five' you say?" he turned to her looking both confused and a bit scared.

      "Yes, they're the top doctors and nurses that work here. Each ward here has a group of top doctors and nurses. All new employees must meet them to know how the hospital runs. Depending on what ward you want to work in. You meet that group only. And it just so happens that Mey-rin is one from this ward," Luna said, like she was the talking about the Queen.

      "Really?! You're one of their top nurses!" he was shocked to hear that he already meet one of the hospitals top workers.

      "Yes, I am. As a member of the 'Main Five' or M5 for short here in the medical ward. I'm in the group because of how I treat everyone. I help make all of our patients feel alright being here and not be frighten," she explained.

      "That's right. Like many here, each of the members have a large knowledge of medical science, but they also have a characteristic that helps out the hospital. As you can see, Mey-rin is the cheerful member of the group here. She gives everyone that warm, fuzzy feeling," Luna added.

      "Oh, Luna stop it! You're making me blush!" she said with rosy cheeks. "You better find the others quickly. Grell still needs to meet the others."

      "Right. It was great seeing you again. Shall we be off, Grell?" she asked.

      "Of course. Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm not feeling as nervous when a got here. I have a feeling that today is going to be great!" he said in a cheerful voice.

      "Your welcome. And don't worry about your secret. Its safe with the other four and me," Mey- rin whispered.

      He than have her a hug and whispered back, "Thank you. This means a lot."

      "No problem," she said giving a hug back.

      When the hug was over, Grell walked over to Luna who was waiting with a smile. He waved goodbye and they were off. Grell felt better than ever thanks to Mey-rin. She was so sweet to him.

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