Don't know what to say

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*gasps* A chapter uploaded early!? Wow! Even I'm shocked at this, but here it is! Hope the story is going well. I've had to write a few things so it sounds good. Anywho, enjoy the chapter :3

      As Sebastian and Grell were walking down to the elevator. Things were unusually quiet. Grell didn't say a word to Sebastian the whole walk. He was too embarrassed to say anything. He was afraid of call him "Sebas-chan" again.

      Once they reached the elevator. Sebastian started to worry. He wondered why Grell wasn't talking. Luna told him Grell was a person that loved to chat. But seeing him so quiet made him think otherwise. He likes a person that chats; silence isn't his favorite sound.

      "What's the matter? You haven't said a word in a while. Is something wrong?" he asked, breaking the silence.

      Grell remained silent. He didn't want to look like more of an idiot. His face was now light red after calming down. But still didn't say anything. So he turned his head, facing away from him. This made Sebastian worry even more now. And a bit mad.

      Not at Grell, of course. He didn't do anything wrong. He was just too embarrassed to talk. No. Making him mad was that whore-of-a-nurse, Beast. She just had to start talking about their so-called "wedding." Because of that, she must have made Grell jealous. If only Grell hadn't met her. He gives a girl one tour and she thinks you're hers. To this day, he still wishes he'd been sick so Bard would of given her the tour and not him.
      He will say that Beat was a nice girl and not bad looking. But his not into girls like her. (He's not into girls in the first place.) He doesn't like ones that call themselves "Little Miss Sexy." Beast is one of them. She thinks that because of how wonderfully, gorgeous she looks. She even tried making her uniform look attractive. That's not what he's looking for. He's looking for someone that doesn't go out of their way to get someone. And Grell is one of them.

      He could tell that Grell was the kind of person that only acts or dresses sexy when needed. Lung's even told him about some of the over-the-top outfits he has. He was glad to hear that she didn't care about him being gay. She was actually happy for him. Thou, she was a little disappointed. But it was his choice and she couldn't change that. And wouldn't if she could.

      In all truth, Luna was the only one in the entire hospital that knew. The reason why is because Sebastian could tell that she was an excepting person and could be trusted. His reason for lying about being straight is still a mystery. Luna wants to know the reasons why, but didn't want to "poke-her-nose" where it's not wanted. So, she'll wait for him to talk.

      Still waiting for the elevator, 5 minutes of pure silence passed. It was pretty awkward to say the least. Mainly for Grell, because Sebastian won't stop looking at him. So he had no choice but to tell him how he felt. Keeping all his emotions bottled-up made him feel like he was gonna blow. He was just praying things won't go wrong with this.

      "Sorry... about this, Dr. I'm... Just a shaky... That's all," he then took a deep breath and spoke in a "by god, forgive me!" voice. "Please! Forgive me for calling you that stupid nickname!! I didn't mean to! Really! It's just that... You're so very kind and... No ones every treated me this way. You're probably not what I am, so forgive me for saying this. I know you must be straight, but... I just can't hold it in anymore. We've only known each other for a few hours but..." he paused for a moment. "I-I've... fallen in love... with you." He's blushing like mad now.

      Soon after that the elevator doors opened. Sebastian saw that no one was inside took it to his advantage.

      He grabbed Grell's arm, pulling him in, closing the elevator doors and wrapped his arms around his waist. Sebastian wanted to show Grell that he doesn't need to be so shy or keeping his feelings locked away. After hearing what Grell said, he knew he had to make his move.

      Grell on the other hand.... By God!! He Thought He Died And Gone To Heaven!! One minute he was trying talking to Sebastian (that worked out great) and the next thing he knows. Sebastian has his arms around him.

      To make it even better, Sebastian leaned his head closer to Grell's. Having a smile on his face while doing do. Grell, still in shock, couldn't move or look away. He just stared into his beautiful, mid-red eyes. No ones ever acted like this towards him. It was pretty shocking now that it was. Even more so that is was Sebastian doing it. He then began to feel hot. Not sure if its from what's happening or sure that he fainted and none of this was real. For... Who would ever love the likes of him?

       Their lips were a mere inch apart. They stayed like this for a moment. Sebastian continued to smile. He was loving this... Maybe a little too much. 'If this works out, I'll finally have a partner I'm looking for,' he thought. In a soft, seductive voice he said, "You don't have to apologize. I was just worried about you, that's all. And don't worry about calling me that adorable nickname. I like it. So don't worry, okay? You can call me that as much as you want. Also..." He lends in closer. "I've started to love you as well," and with that said. He connected their lips.

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