Dr. Michaelis has Arrived

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Grell's heart soon stopped. 'Wait a minute!? Did he just say that he was a member of the M5!?' he thought. 'Luna and I were just about to look for the last member. She said the person getting the tour was a male-doctor. Oh-no! Oh god all might in heaven, no!! Out of all the doctors in this hospital! Why does he have to be the one!? With someone else it'd be no problem. But with him! I'd end up making an idiot of myself!'

"Hey, Sebastian! Just the man we were looking for!" Luna shouted as she walked to them.

"Hey, Luna. Its been a while since I last saw you. How have you been doing lately? Anything new happen?" he replied back.

"I've been doing fine and everythings been the same. How about you?" she asked.

"Nothing really. I've been busy with work, but that's normal for me," he laughed a bit.

"For any doctor its normal depending on the work day. Which reminds me," she turned to Grell. "Grell, I believe you already know Sebastian? He's the last member of the M5 we needed to find. Although, I wouldn't've expected to find you here," she said, turning to him.

"I had a bit of freetime on my hands, so I came to take a breather. That was until I ran into Grell not a moment ago," he looked to Grell and smiled.

"Oh! Again I'm terribly sorry for running into you like that! I was in a rush to find you! How embarrassing knowing I found you like this," he said still having red cheeks. "I was hoping to find you before you vanished again."

"Vanish again? Oh, now I see. The others must have told you about me being in one place then gone the next. I'd do the same if I were in your place. Most of the time I wish I wouldn't do that. But being one of the hospitals top doctors makes it impossible. I'd like the hospital not to call me on my days off."

"Sounds like its hard getting some 'R&R' when you're a member of the top groups."

"Not just for them, Grell. Other doctors and nurses get called just like Sebastian. But very few are called if not a group member," Luna said.

"What does it mean when you get called by the hospital?" Grell asked.

"If you're called it could mean one of three things. The hospital needs more hands at work, we need help on a case, or someone in one of the groups needs your help. To be honest, if you get called for any reason is a good sigh," she answered.

"She's right. Since the others and I are such a big deal here. Getting a call from one of us is very important. Not only does it show the boss trust you, it also shows how you've been doing here," Sebastian than wrapped an arm around Grell's shoulders.

"Getting called by one of us is a great honor. I have a feeling you might get called just as much as Luna."

Grell blushed darker now that Sebastian had his arm around him. He was shocked that he had such high hopes for him. "Oh come on, Dr! I don't think I'll be able to get at Luna's level. She's worked here longer and its only my first day," he said acting bashful.

"Well, we'll never know until then. I do have my hopes up for you. Luna, Undertaker, Mey-Rin, Bard, Finny and myself know you'll do great. Luna's told me how you've been working hard and studying non-stop. That's what we're looking for at Saint Grace Hospital," he said, smiling.

"Um, don't we need to get back on track? We don't have all day. I need to get to work, Grell needs to know your role, and you need to give him your private tour. We're running a bit behind," Luna said getting things on track, again.

"Of course. Sorry about that," he said, removing his arm from Grell's shoulders.

"Its alright. This isn't the first time its happened. It'd be nice having everything go as planned. But now that we're on track, lets get started," she then turning to Grell. "Alright, Dr. Sebastian Michaelis, more commonly known as either "Sebastian" or "Dr. Michaelis". Out of everyone in the M5 in the medical ward, he's the most important. Like the other groups, he's the leader of the M5. He has been called in on more cases than any other doctor here. He also has a doctors degree in both medical and physical science."

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