"Small" problem

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Wow this one needed a new chapter! Sorry for not posting as much. Thinging have been going on but here it is. That and I have been thinking of ideas for chapters. The usual for writers to day the least. Anywho, enjoy this chapter!~ :3

      Luna came out and saw Grell looking up to the stars with a dazed look in his eyes. She smiled, walking over to him and tapped his shoulder. 'I'm happy you finally found that special someone,' she thought.

      Grell shook his head, free from his daze, and looked over to see Luna with a big smile. He smiled back and gave her a bone-crashing hug. "Thank you for everything," he whispered.

      "N... No... P-problem," she chocked. She's lucky to be able to speak.

      "Oh!" Grell quickly released her. "Sorry about that! I'm just so happy! You've done so much for me! How can I ever repay you!?" He exclaimed.

      Still gasping for air, Luna said, "Y-you... don't... haveto pay me back. Seeing you happy is all the pay I need. That's what friends are for, right?"

      "Right! You're the best friend anyone could ask for! It's not everyday friends find each other a job or a lover, ya know," he grinned.

      "Yeah," she answered. "So how did it g-." Luna was soon interrupted by someone shouting out, "Hey, Luna! Got a minute?!"

      They turned to see who it was and... Surprise, surprise. It was "Little Miss Sexy," Beast. Grells has enough of her for one day. But, he had to act like no bad air was between them.

      "Hey, Beast. What do ya need? Grell and I have to get home," she said.

      "I only wanted to see how you've been doing. It's been a while since we've last seen each other," Beast said.

      "It has been sometime since then. You look as healthy as ever," Luna answered.

      "Well I do have to keep my figure perfect for the Dr," she said, placing a hand on her hip.

"Hmph, last time I checked, Dr. Michaelis said that you two being together was a lie," Grell added. "And that him falling for you isn't gonna happen."

      "What happened today was him just playing around. I know he wants me. It'll just take sometime for him to realize it, that's all," shge said trying to stay calm.

      "So you've heard about the rumors? You're just lucky you weren't here when it happened. Everyone was talking, chatting, wondering when it happened between them. Someone once asked Sebastian when the bachelor party was," she laughed, remembering him telling her that. "I found out not too long ago after I was hired."

      "Well, soorrryy!" Beast stomped her foot. "I was only lying becau-."

      "Because you didn't want anyone taking him, we know," Grell interrupted. "That excuse of yours is getting pretty used up, honey. You may need to come up with something better sooner or later."

      "He's got a point. That excuse is getting old. Grells only been here for a few hours and he thinks it's old. You're losing your touch. Just find someone else to chase after. There are plenty of fish in the sea," Luna said.

      "But none of them are like him!!" Beast whined. "I've seen many fin e looking men, but none ofc then are like him. He's like wooow," she said in a dreamt state, blushing. After realizing how late thhe night was getting she said, "But that's enough talk for now. Look at how late it's gotten. I have to get home so I don't end up lazy tomorrow!" She skipped off to her car calling out, "See you two later!"

      Luna and Grell only waved, hiding how they really felt. Once she was out of sight, Grell could finally say some "words" about her. Talk about anger.

      "Why that no good bitch!? Ohhhh!! What I'd do to end her! Women like her don't deserve to live!" he yelled.

      Grell hated women like Beast. Just the thought of knowing they're out there makes his blood boil. To him, they were nothing more than a waste of skin and bone. Oh, how he'd love to end their lives. But he knew better not to do that.

      "Now, now Grell. She maybe a pain in the ass, believe me. But she's not the one with a sexy doctor for a boyfriend, right?" Luna said, smirking.

      "Right," Grell forgot about that. It's just that Beast really knew how to push his buttons. "Looks like she's been doing all that 'work' for nothing. Sad, isn't it? Although, can we get going? It's been a busy day. We need our rest if we want to stay awake tomorrow," Grell said with a yawn.

      "You're right, let's get going. The sooner we get home, the sooner I get to bed."

      They both laughed walking back to the car. Today was a good day for them both. Luna wasn't stuck with paperwork tonight, so she can sleep early. Grell's kind of easy to figure out, so no need to go over that again. But, tomorrow is going to be very interesting.

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