False Bride

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Heeeelllllloooo! Im so so so so so sorry for the long wait!! Things happened but I have returned. Last chapter was left at a cliffhanger. Was it true what Beast said? I'll have to read and find out ;3

      Beast sighed, "You think having someone like him for a husband would be easy. I just hope things get better between the two of us. However, he is an M5 member so I can't get mad at him. I'm sick of work always getting in the way of our plans."

      "Plans for what?" Grell asked, keeping a straight voice. He was still in shock from this new information. His heart is broken, but still burned with anger. He'd like to know what is going on with them.

      "Our wedding plans, silly!" she turned to him with a cheerful smile. That only got Grell more pissed. "I have so many wonderful ideas! But I need his approval on a few of them!"

      "And may I ask, if its not a bother?... When exactly are you two due to be.... Wed?" he was trying his hardest not to lose it. He knew that getting jealous wasn't good, but how could he not get mad with a chick like her!?

      "It's not a bother at all,Grell. We're due to be wed in three more months. If only time would move faster!! I can't wait for our wedding day!" she said, squealing happily. "I can just see it now! Him at the altar looking ever so handsome in his suit and me with my beautiful, white dress! It's going to be wonderful! Just wonderful!"

      While she was busy fantasizing their wedding. Grell was as mad as hell itself. 'Why you no good bitch!? Haven't you ever stopped to think someone else might have feelings for him!? Don't just go on telling someone something they may not want to hear! You're not the only one who wants him! Maybe a little punishment we make you call it off with Sebas-chan,' he grinned on the inside. Then realized he just came up with a nickname. 'Sebas-chan? Hmmm. Sounds perfect for him,' he smiled.

      Then, out of the blue, a voice called out. "Beast! You better not be telling lies about us, again!"

      Grell and Beast turned their heads and saw it was no other then Sebastian. But by the look on his face, he wasn't pleased and walked toward them.

      "Oh, darling! Its about time you got here. I've been looking everywhere! We have so many things to talk ab-"

      "We have nothing to talk about, Nurse Beast," Sebastian interrupted her before she could finish. "I've told you countless times to stop telling everyone we're engaged," he then looked over to Grell. "I assure you that whatever she told you were only lies."

      Grell's heart soon became whole again. "Then does that mean the wedding isn't true?"

      "Yes. It was merely a lie."

      "Ohhhh, come on Sebastian! Can't you just play along!? I'm only lying because I don't want anyone taking you for me. It's not everyday a girl finds a dashing devil like you. Besides, my dream wedding won't be a dream for long. Its only a matter of time before you start falling for me," she said with a grin.

      "The day that happens is the day Alois stops chasing Ciel. And we both know the answer to that."

      "I don't know the answer. Would you mind telling me, love?" she leaned up against him.

      "It's never going to happen," he answered coldly, pushing her off him. "Now, if you'll excuse me. Grell and I have work to do."

      "We do?" he asked, looking a bit confused.

      "Yes. Don't you remember?" he asked.

      Grell shock his head.

      Sebastian laughed, "You asked me if there was anything you could do now that the tours over. I have some files I need to work now in my office. So I was wondering if you wouldn't mind helping me. If that's alright?"

      "Oh! Not at all, Sebas-chan!" he gasped, covering his mouth after hearing what he said. His cheeks began to turn red again. 'Damnit! You just had to call him by his new nickname! It's bad enough that I've already made an idiot of myself earlier! What else can go wrong!?'

      Sebastian and Beast looked at him for a moment. Sebastian didn't know how to respond. Grell's the first one to every give him a nickname. He found it rather cute seeing his reaction after realizing he didn't say his real name. He smiled and let out a soft laugh.

      Beast heard the laugh and turned her head to see Sebastian smiling. This made her a little uneasy. "Um, Sebastian? What seems to be so funny?" she ask with a nervous smile.

      "Nothing. I was just laughing, because I think its adorable he came up with it. Its rather cute. No ones ever given me one before. Not even my own parents. I like it," he looked up to Grell, who was almost as red as his hair. He walked up to him and asked if they could go.

      Grell, still covering his mouth, nodded his head and began walking with him. Sebastian said goodbye to Beast before they left. Reminding her to stop telling lies about them. If she didn't, he would have to report her to Madam Red. She agreed, for how could she say no to her future husband. He sighed in annoyance and walked off with Grell.

      Grell removed his hand from his mouth, looking at Sebastian with sparkling eyes. 'He thinks I'm cute? He thinks I'm cute! By god, Sebas-chan thinks I'm cute!! I feel the same way he does! No ones ever called me cute before! Ohhh, why are you so perfect!?'

      Meanwhile, Beast was left to her own thoughts as well. 'What The Hell Just Happened? Tell me it was all in my imagination! Cause if I need to get my ears checked and I really hope I do! But did Sebastian said he thought the name that redhead gave him was cute!! How could he think that's cute!? It's not right for a guy to give another guy a name and have said guy think its cute! It'd be alright if the two were brothers. Last I checked, Sebastian doesn't have and siblings. So why did he say that?' She calmed herself down and started to think about it more carefully. 'Okay, I know for a fact that Sebastian isn't gay. Thank god cause almost every guy like him are either taken or gay. So what could it be?' A light bulb went off in her head. 'Wait! What am I thinking? Am I really going to believe he's gay!? Hahahahaha! No! He probably said that so he wouldn't feel embarrassed. Grell was blushing dark, he wanting to make him feel better. Awww, isn't he sweet!' Breast then brushed the thought aside and went back to work. Laughing at herself for worrying about something so silly. She had made a goal to herself when first met. She will make him hers. And no one would get in her way.

      Well.... Not until Grell came along that is. He made a goal as well. Obey he's not that crazy to spread rumors. Just crazy enough to any bitch that tries to take him.

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